26 (hittaz)

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Storm sat in the police sanctuary in their questioning room with her head down . Resean watched her through the window the whole time . The whole car ride she didn't speak nor look at him . She couldn't believe what was going on . When she arrived to the station they threw her and her cousin in a holding cell . She told her cousin don't say anything to these cops that could incriminate her sister . Resean was starting to regret his decision . He was in love and he didn't want to do this to storm . Two detectives walked up to him pulling him to the side .

"Is that miss woods right there ?" And he nodded his head yes . His face was all messed up due to the scuffle they had hours earlier . "What happened to your face ?" The detective asked him and he just shrugged his shoulders walking away . Not only was he putting Egypt away he was also putting his brother behind bars . He knew if his brother was to get locked down it would be easy for him to take over his empire . Once Jesus wakes up from out his coma he would have to go to trial .

The detectives walked into the interrogation room slamming there file down on the desk making her jump up . Her eyes were blood shot red due to the excessive crying she was doing .

"Good evening miss woods " one of the detectives told her putting her hand out so she could shake her hand . Storm declined closing her robe .

"So file shows Egypt king is your cousin "

"Y'all know she's my cousin stop giving me the run around " storm mugged them both . "Hi I'm detective Howard " the woman detective put her hand out so storm could shake it and once again she declined . "Ok...." she pulled her hand back "and this is detective green" she said pointing to her partner . He mugged storm right back with an nasty expression . 

"Ok so we're just going to get straight to the point " detective green said pulling out a file . It was CJs autopsy . She looked it over not phased by the photo .

"See you and your cousins DNA is all over him , care to explain ?"

"We had a 3 sum " she shrugged her shoulders keeping her statements simple . She knew if she said to much they would probably try to pin this murder on her .

"3 sum ?" Detective green questioned and storm nodded . "I find that hard to believe " detective Howard said pacing back and forward.

"I don't care what y'all believe it's true , we had sex with him and left , I had a boyfriend at the time and so did Egypt "

"So why would both of you cheat on your boyfriends ?"

"Why wouldn't we ? His dick was good and there's wasn't , he was down for a lil fun so why not test the waters " she lied straight threw her teeth . She knew rocky was fucking the shit out her around that time and she knew moon was stuck on Malcolm . CJs dick wasn't even all that .

Detective green rolled his eyes.

"Why are you protecting her ?" He asked and she shrugged again . "I'm not protecting nobody , if us having a 3 sum with cj is all you got on us before he died , this case is weak as hell "

"Oh no there's more " detective Howard laughed .

"I bet" storm rolled her eyes . "See your little cousin already cracked she's already singing like a bird about Egypt "

Storm started to laugh at there little attempt to get her to talk . She knew shine wouldn't say anything . She was just as strong as her sister . Maybe even stronger . "And what did she say " storm said crossing her arms leaning in .

"We can't say-"

"Cus y'all ain't got shit " she laughed .

Detective Howard walked next to her getting close .

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