22 (dirty dancin)

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"Are you coming by my house after school ? " Egypt asked me . I bit my lip admiring her . We've been dating for like 2 months and so far it's been the talk of the school .

"I could " I said pining her between me and the lockers . "Your parents going to be there ?" I asked curious . Her parents were straight up dope heads I even sold to her dad a couple of times . I know it was wrong but money is money . If she ever find that out I know for a fact she gone be done with me.

"No just my brother and sister " I nodded agreeing . I seen cardi walk down the hall with a smile when she seen me but when she seen Egypt it dropped .she walked over to us and I moved from by Egypt .

"Hey Malcolm , " she smiled . "Europe" she mugged . Egypt started laughing and walked away . "Now why did you do that ?" I said asking cardi . "Why are you dating her ?" She scrunched her face up . "Because I can why the hell do it matter ?" She rolled her eyes and walked away . I blew my breath out and went to look for Egypt . I walked outside to the field and seen her sitting on the bleachers entertaining some nigga with a s curl . She didn't see me but he did causing him to smirk . I walked up the bleachers and I heard her laughing at whatever the fuck he had to say . I yanked her up by her arm and practically dragged her down the bleachers . "Malcolm stop " she whined but I didn't listen still dragging her out the school . I threw her into the passenger side of my car and jumped into the drivers seat driving off  .

Within 15 minutes we made it back to my house . School starts in like 15 minutes but ion give a fuck right now I feel like she disrespected me . "Get out the car " I gritted pissed off . She sighed and got out my car walking to the front door . My grandmother car was gone so I was in the clear knowing she was at work . I walked in the house behind Egypt and she tried to run upstairs and I grabbed her .

"Why the fuck you was all in that nigga face " I barked at her and she flenched . She didn't answer fast enough and I roughly grabbed her face making her look at me . I seen the fear in her eyes and I let her go kissing her soft plump lips . She wrapped her arms around me and I picked her up . Her legs instantly wrapped around me .

"I'm sorry " she said as I continued to kiss her . I pinned her up against the wall devouring her neck . "No I'm sorry " I said looking into her eyes . "Can we just stay here today and sleep " she asked .

I nodded my head walking us to my room . We laid down and I instantly fell asleep with her on my chest . "I love you " was the last thing I heard her say .

"Malcolm " I heard somebody .

"Malcolm!" Jason patted my face .

"You heard egypts car blew up ?"

"What !" I yelled standing up . I went over to the counter in the kitchen to get my phone and instantly called her but it was disconnected. I walked into my front again growing angry . "Is she ok?" I panicked .

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