31 (the fall)

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3 months later

"Egypt are you responsible for that big fire in Pensacola ?" Reporters asked as she walked into the court house . Frankly this was the biggest bust of the century .

Walking past everyone she kept her head down not trying to get any camera time . Security pushed majority of the reporters out the way .

Walking into the court room moon took her spot on the other side

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Walking into the court room moon took her spot on the other side . It was packed with different people and more reporters .

"You ready ?" April asked moon and she nodded . She looked around the room and seen Josiah sitting front and center . He smiled small and she waved smiling at him . She also seen shine , shermaine and a very pregnant storm .

She hasn't talked to storm since she decided to run off with out leaving a explanation . Shermaine came visited her often and she bought the baby along some times so moon was always able to see her niece on the regular .

The court room doors opened and she seen Malcolm and jason walk in taking a seat at the back . He smiled to her and she mugged him rolling her eyes . Malcolm looked at her confused and scratched his head wondering Wussup with her . Everytime he tried to visits her she turned them down not coming out. Eventually she took him off the visitors list . Only person that wasn't there was Osiris and she wondered why . Shermaine had told her how he left and joined Zoe pound. He even dropped out of school .

The judge walked in as court started . "All rise for judge mason" the guard said as everyone stood up . Judge mason sat down and eyed moon . She didn't have no look of regret in her eyes , so he already knew he was putting her away.

"Egypt king right " and moon nodded.

"Do you realize you could receive the death penalty today ?" He asked and she nodded . She wasn't scared to die she knew what she did . She was just ready to get it over . "How do you plead ?" He asked . "Not guilty " moons lawyer said and moon looked over to her . What they discussed was moon would plead guilty and April would try to get her life instead of the death penalty .

"Your honor " the Defense attorney said . "I assure you ms.king is guilty of all the crimes committed "

"How are you sure of that?" the judge asked .

"Well we have a witness, who is actually a cop and he worked undercover . He was very close to the group "

"Call your witness " the judge said . The defense attorney looked through his paper work . "Resean fame " he said looking round the court room . Moon raised her eyebrow as nobody came to the stand .

"I see your witness is a no show " April said . April actually talked to Resean before the court , She actually talked to a lot of people , Including storms dad . Resean was on the run now no longer in Miami he left for up north . Once he found out his brother was dead he packed up and got ghost . "Your honor this has to be a mistake " he said looking at the judge .

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