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I walked into the station with with my brief case ready to talk to my captain . Once I dropped the evidence off he called me in . It's been a week since everything happened at the club and it's been a week everyone was looking for moon. I've been avoiding storm like crazy cus I know imma feel guilty . The cops don't even know she's missing right now . They seem to think she's on the run .

Walking into his office I seen him sitting there looking over the file I gave him . I sighed sitting down infront of him and he briefly looked up then back down .

I tapped the desk with my fingers waiting for him to acknowledge me so I could see what's going on . He closed the file and put it in his draw .

"You look different boy , older I would say . I haven't really seen you since u went under cover 2 years ago"
And I chuckled . I've been working on Egypts case for awhile . It's just that I had to take different precautions . I couldn't just jump into the game , without people getting suspect . I had to start from the bottom , that's why I went to my brother .

"Well , you know had to grow up ." And he nodded .

"So I feel that we have a solid case on miss king but it seems  the D-A doesn't think so , she said we need more evidence "

"What you mean we need more evidence that's basically everything right there !" I pointed to the draw where the file was . Why tf is it so hard to tie this girl down . "She believes she couldn't have done this on her own , she needs witnesses , accomplices , things like that . "

And I nodded . "She doesn't have her own house she mostly be by her cousin or her new boyfriend ."

"Her new boyfriend Josiah is a powerful man . We can't generate a search warrant for him but we sure can for her cousin . I have some paper worker on her too that would give us probable cause . " he said sipping his coffee and I just nodded ."if she's at her cousin house bring her in , somehow she just vanishes off the face of the damn earth . "

"I'll go to the judge today to get the warrant . Then I'm putting you in charge to get everything done , I want everything seized , laptops , iPads , phones I don't care !" He said and I nodded . He got up from his desk walking out I put my head back and sighed .

"Fuck !"


I seen storms car outside so I knew she was home .  Hopping out the truck I walked up to her front door suited up and my gun drawn. I knew this was going to be the end of us once she seen my real profession .

"You ready ?" One of the officers asked me patting my shoulders ? And I nodded . In reality I was not ready . I didn't want to do this . I've gotten so caught up in this shit I didn't know how my life was gonna turn out in the end . I seen majority of my men ready with there guns drawn ready to go . Some people in the neighborhood started to come out to see what's going on .

I banged on storms door waiting for her to answer .

"Police open up  !" I yelled . I heard locks unlocking and shine opened the door . Her eyes got big as hell when she seen me in my police uniform . "I know your fucking lying to me !" She mugged .

"Shine move out the way I have a search warrant " I held up the paper and she mugged me . "your a fucking cop !" She yelled and pushed me back . One of the officers drew the gun on her and I held my hand up for him to not shoot .

"Shine what's all the nois-" she stopped mid sentence when she seen me and the rest of the swat inside of her house . She was on the stairs with just a robe and her lingerie set on . Some of my men started to gawk at her and My insides started to get hot . They started to ram shack her house taking anything that could be of use . One of the officers grabbed shine and handcuffed her and storm started to run upstairs . "Ma'am you have to stay where we could see you !" One of the swat members yelled going after her and I stopped him .

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