Mad house (11)

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I looked at my brother & rolled my eyes at him . He had this devilish smirk on his face saying "I knew it"

I sighed . "Moses why are you here ?"

"The question is why are you ?"

I looked him up and down . Who the fuck he think he is im the oldest . "Nigga , don't question me because I can now why you here ?"

He ran his hands down his face & I could tell he was debating to tell me the truth or lie . "You know what , how bout this , you turn around and hop right back in that range & I'll meet you . I want the truth . " he shook his head & turned around . I backed Malcolm's motor cycle back up & locked his garage up . I walked back into my old home & exited out the front door . This nigga didn't even change the locks .

Moses was in his car waiting on me . I hoped in the passenger side & he backed out & drove off . 

It was quiet & I knew he was trying to avoid the topic .

"Why are you over at Malcolm's ?"

"We had dinner , I ended up getting a lil too drunk & he took me to his home cus he don't no where mines at now "

"You think he don't know" he mumbled

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing , " he smiled & continued driving .

"Your turn ,"

He sighed and came to a red light . He reached in the back seat & handed me a duffle bag . Across the bag it read Fame.

I traced the name with my fingers & looked at Moses crazy . "How did you get this ?"

"One night Malcolm made me rob a connect with him . I didn't know till yesterday' that connect worked for your lil boyfriend. I've been trying to get rid of these damn diamonds like Malcolm asked but nobody wants it afraid to be killed by Jesus & them . " I nodded my head . Not only did Malcolm get my lil bro name on a hitlist awhile back but now he got him doing his dirty work again .

"Give me too me , I'll return it to him . "

He looked at me crazy . "You can't do that if you return them he gone know it was me . Not only that he wants to kill Malcolm from stealing from him ."

I ran my hand threw my hair . There's gotta be some way to talk to Jesus & reek . I'm not tryna get Osiris hurt but this is some major damage control I gotta do . I patted his shoulder .

"Don't worry I got you " I smiled .


I walked into Jesus office building  with the duffle bag in my hand . I haven't answered his calls all day but I talked to reek and he told me he was at the office downtown .

I exited the elevator & walked towards his receptionist. He was a young boy looks to be about pharaoh age . He looked up at me and smiled once he seen me . "Hi miss King , I'll let him know your here , "

I smiled " nah I'm good baby I wanna surprise him." He nodded & buzzed the door so I could make my way towards the back . I walked down the long hall till I reached the door that had fame going across it . I knocked twice & opened it . His office looked like a hurricane came threw it . Papers were everywhere & scattered . He sat at his desk with his head in his hands .

"Jesus " I called as I shut the door .

He looked up & he looked a lil hurt . I instantly felt guilty looking into his eyes knowing what I did yesterday.

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