(24) Fading

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Mya sat at the bar drinking her Martini as the lights went off and gun shots ranged out . Her only concern was too get moon and moon only . She despised moon with everything in her and tonight made the perfect night to complete her plan .

People were running everywhere and Mya just laughed . Sitting a 20 dollar tip on the counter she made her way past the frantic people running around trying to find any and every exit to get away . Walking to her escapade she opened the passenger seat .

Even outside was more chaotic . People were running everywhere and you seen Malcolm and his lil Scooby doo bunch running around looking crazy . There were police sirens and the ambulance even pulled up . "Go around to the side " she told her driver and he rode to where 3 men in mask had a beat up moon tied up and duck taped .

They threw her into the back of the car before pulling off . Mya took the tape off moons mouth and then she spit in her face causing Mya to back hand her . "Nasty bitch !" "Fuck you ain't you suppose to be dead ?!" And Mya laughed .

"Moon was so Naive when it came to Malcolm and the shit he use to do . "Nah but you will be soon " she said rolling her eyes turning back around . One of the men threw the bag over moons head so she wouldn't know where they're taking her .

Pulling up to an abandon grave yard in Pensacola Mya seen Cardi standing outside . Cardi lead them to the maintenance building and mya's workers roughly pulled moon out the car . Moon tried to fight them off but it was no use . Never in her life would she think somebody caught her slipping . She always was careful but her faith caught up with her .

She never thought she would be tied to a chair, beat up and kidnapped . "Exit the room " Mya told her men and they left leaving her and cardi . Mya heels clacked against the ground as she walked over to moon and pulled the bag from up off her head .

"I'm surprise your bitch ass didn't loose oxygen" she said . Moon looked at her not hardly being able to see . Her lip was bust and her eye was swollen shut . She caught a glimpse of cardi and started to laugh .

"Really , y'all that jealous of me you two had to link up ?" Chuckling she shook her head . "Fucking pathetic "

"Bitch shut up !" Mya said yanking her head back and Egypt screeched . "You know why the fuck your here ?"

She had a firm grip on her head making moon look up at her . "It's because of you Malcolm left me ! It's because of you I got put out of fucking school ! My parents cut me off ever since then ! And then you try to kill me you dumb bitch !" She yelled . "Egypt gave her a blank stare just looking at her . "Then you try to kill me bitch ! I bullied you and got you jumped cus Malcolm needed to see how weak your ass were ! But no his ass kept protecting your dumb ass !"

She let moon hair go and walked over to a table picking up a kitchen knife . "Too bad I survived " she smiled looking over her shoulder . "Only because Malcolm saved me " she walked over too moon and put the knife on her cheek . "You wanna know what else I did bitch " she whispered in her ear and moon rolled her eyes .

"Killed your dope head parents " she said moon mugged her and tried to get out the grip of the seat . "You bitch !" She screamed as tears came down her face . "It was so easy to make it look like an overdose , " she laughed . "But you shouldn't get mad at me . blame Malcolm he the one that saved my ass " she said .

Moon looked at cardi and she turned her head . She knew that bitch was low down she just didn't know she was Capable of the dirt that's being done .

"Cardi come here" Mya called her over . Cardi hesitantly walked over with her head down .

Moon looked up to her with tears in her eyes . "See cardi here cause you fucked up her chance with Malcolm too " she laughed and moon shook her head . "Did you know her dad was a cartel leader ? And moon didn't say anything . "Guess who killed her daddy Egypt !" She yelled

"Your fucking brother but we have something for his ass too" she laughed . "Your evil ass better not lay a finger on my brother !"

"Or what ?" She laughed .

She handed cardi the knife . "Do it " she demanded and cardi took the knife and slashed moons cheek making a deep gash and long cut . "Guess your not so beautiful any more .

Myas phone rung and she rolled her eyes . "What !" She said into the phone and put it on speaker .

"Who the fuck told yo ass to come to my fucking club fucking shit up ! " reek yelled into the phone . He was currently in his car . Everything was crazy after the shooting . He took storm over to Malcolm's and that's where everyone were . Storm was a wreck when they told her what happened to moon .

"Shut your ass up ! You took to long to turn her ass in ! I told you either turn her in or kill the bitch !" She yelled . Moon was just sitting there crying . She knew this day was gone come .

"Let her fucking go ! I turned her in after ! I sunt all the evidence off ! Your blowing my cover !"

"Reek your a fucking cop , you've been under cover for 2 years now just to bust her it's done now she's dying "

He's a fucking cop moon thought to herself . So her whole relationship with Jesus was fake . Just to bust her .

"Let her fucking go !"

"Why because you fucking her cousin ?!" You were just fucking me !"

Moon chuckled . "Jealous bitch " she mumbled and Mya punched her .

"Bye reek !" She said before he was able to say anything . "Im going to have a little fun before I kill you " she smiled at moon causing her to smile back .

"Whatever "

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