Wait your turn (12)

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Osiris been in the hospital for a week now & for the life of me im trying to figure out who did this . I knew that hit had to be for Malcolm but I'm pretty sure whoever did it knew it was Osiris .

I walked into my house & Jesus was sitting on the sofa in his boxers . I sighed & just walked straight passed him . He's been bugging me about this damn gala & I know I promised his ass yes but I really don't feel like going . He asked me to be his date months ago & I know I said yeah but damn , shit happens.

I walked to the kitchen and darted straight to the fridge looking for some fruits to snack on or something . I felt arms wrap around my waist & I looked up to see Jesus .

"How's your brother ?"

I sighed leaning up taking the apple out the fridge & closing it . "He's fine , just really can't speak or move ya know "

He mumbled "damn " and shook his head . I bit into the apple & tossed it . My diets been off lately . I've been nauseous & light headed .

I sat on my marble counter & seen I had a text from Malcolm .

Mally 😒🖕🏿: i need you to run with me tonight , I need a sniper .

Me: ask shine

Mally😒🖕🏿: why u can't do it .

Me: where's Rocky y u ain't ask him ?

Mally😒🖕🏿: bruh , stop acting stupid be on rockport @ 11 tonight .

Me: well see

I shut my phone screen off & seen Jesus starring at me .

"What ?"

"Who was that ?"

"A client " I rolled my eyes jumping off the counter . My moods been off too I've been clicking out on everybody . I recently just got into a argument with shermaine cus she was being fuvkin childish .

I walked up my stairs till I seen shines room . She's been distant lately too . I looked in her room & she wasn't no where in sight . I realized she's been using a lot of make up too which is weird cus she usually don't mess with it . I'll talk to her later about it . It might not be nothing .

I walked into my bedroom & headed to my closet . I pulled out my black hoodie & black high waisted pants with the rips in it . I looked threw dresser for a sports bra & a pair of my lace panties .

It was 3:00 so I had some time to get ready . I ran my shower & just relaxed on the bed till it got steaming hot . Hopefully this hit ain't no double crossing shit Malcolm been on .



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