28 (blind side)

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I pulled up to my parents mansion sighing in the process

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I pulled up to my parents mansion sighing in the process . I haven't seen them since I left for high school . Shutting the car off , I got out and walked to the front door ringing the door bell . It wasn't long before Celia opened the door . I've been staying at hotels all week avoiding people's calls. I finally mustered up the courage to come home .

"I told you already we don't want no-" she stopped mid sentence once she seen me and a big grin came across her face .

"Hi " I shyly waved and she engulfed me into a hug . "Omg I haven't seen you in so long senorita " she said pulling me into the house . Celia was my mom and dad maid also she was my nanny growing up .

"Come , come , I call your parents " she said leading me into the foyer . I went and sat down on the couch folding my arms Across my chest . The house looked different over the years . I seen on the table an old picture of my mom and dad along with my uncle and aunt when they were younger .

I smiled to myself looking over it

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I smiled to myself looking over it . They were breath taking . My dad was a little bit taller than moons but you could tell they were twins . My mother and moons were best friends when they were younger and they met our dads at a party when they were in 10th grade . Till this day my mom and father looked the same . What can I say ? Black defiantly does not crack .

I heard foot steps behind me causing me to turn around making eye contact with my mom . She still looked the same. "St-storm" she said as tears weld up in her eyes . I smiled small as she walked over hugging me . "I missed you so much " she cried And I smiled . My dad came downstairs and he seen me and shook his head . It wasn't a bad shake it was more like a shocked one .

"You've grown so much " he said hugging me also . Celia took a picture on her camera causing me to laugh .

"What what brings you by" they ask as we walk over to the sofa again . I could tell there more wealthy than before I left . "I'm pregnant " I blurted out and my mom covered her mouth with her dramatic ass . "Omg my baby , I'm so happy for you " she squealed coming over hugging me . My dad stood in the same spot .

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