27 (part 2)

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I held cardi by her hair as she tried to escape the grave yard . I never put my hands on a woman but today was the day I beat the fuck out one . "You gotta let me go the grave yard is burning down "

"Bitch you think I care !" I yelled slapping her with my gun . I knew this wasn't part of the plan but this hoe wasn't escaping . I took my shirt off me and wrapped it around my mouth and nose so smoke wouldn't get into my body . Cardi started to cough uncontrollably. "Let me go Moses this had nothing to do with you "

"Bitch you kidnapped my sister the fuck you mean this had nothing to do with me !" I yelled. My eyes started to burn from the smoke . The whole grave yard was burning down and I couldn't take this shit .

Deciding to get the fuck I sent 5 bullets straight into cardis skull . I remember seeing a white mustang parked by the gate . I went looking into cardis pocket for the keys and it was nothing there . I mentally cussed myself out as the smoke got thicker .

Trees started to fall and things were flying everywhere . I started to run back to the maintenance house as it got darker . The flames were getting higher and higher and it would be a damn miracle if I made it out alive . I tried to touch the door knob to the building but it was hot so I kicked the door down . I seen myas dead body on the floor And I felt around for the keys then jetting out .

The entrance to the gates were in flames . I seen a small opening so I took my chances and ran through . "Fuck !" I yelled as I went through the fence gaining cuts and bruises . It felt like my skin was melting by me not having a shirt on . I got up off the ground and ran towards the mustang . Hopping in I drove off ready to take this 10 hour ride back to Miami . It's a good thing this car was full .


I pulled up to shermaines house because I know she probably was worried sick about me . I didn't leave with Malcolm and them so they had to be thinking for the worst right now . I cut the engine off and got this gut wrenching feeling . Something looked off about the whole thing . It was too quiet and usually shermaine has her kitchen window up at this time . I grabbed my glock and made my way towards the front door . My suspicions were confirmed even more when I seen it was unlocked . "The fuck ?" I mumbled walking in . Her whole house was trashed from top to bottom . "Shermaine !" I yelled and got no answer .

Stepping over glass I slowly walked further into the house . I seen foot prints on the ground so I backed up and ran upstairs . Her room door was closed but I seen blood seeping from under it . I crossed my heart and prayed for the sight I was about to see .

Opening up her room door I nearly threw up every thing I had inside of my stomach . My eyes started to burn as I seen the head disconnected from the body .

"Fuck !" I yelled. I put my hands on top of my head walking out . I counted to 10 and walked back in to the same scene . My stomach turned and I backed out . I ran out of the house and her neighbors were outside . The old man mr.greyson . We made eye contact before I hopped back into the mustang and pulled off towards Josiah's house .

The whole car ride I felt out of place . Shit like this was not suppose to happen . I pulled up to Josiah's house and I seen there cars outside . Running up to the door Malcolm opened it with a AK Pointed to my face . He hurriedly put it down once he seen it was me .

"Did y'all see shermaine house ! " I yelled and he shook his head no shermaine came from around the corner and I hugged her . "I'm so glad your ok " I placed kisses all over her face .

"Yeah when I was on my way home mr.greyson called me and said there was 3 young men at my door I knew you were gone so I went to storms house"

Thank god for him . "Baby I don't know how your going to take this but Justin's body ...., I found him dead in your room " and she gave me an unreadable expression. I seen tears come into her eyes and she turned away . "Please tell me your lying Moses" she yelled and I pulled her close as she sobbed in my chest .

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