30 (the climb)

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Thunder ranged across the Miami sky . To say it was winter it sure did rain a lot . The nurse stood In Jesus room changing his water bag . He looked so hopeless laying there . She peeked over at him admiring his facial features. He was a very handsome young man . She wondered how he ended up in the predicament he was in .

The hospital was notified by Miami PD to let them know when he awakes due to the pending case against him so they were on high alert . Usually the police would be at the hospital with him but now they assumed he wasn't going to be awakening any time soon .

She peeked at him one more time . Reaching her hand out she rubbed down his cheek . Catching her off guard Jesus grabbed her hand squeezing it. He eyed her with dark eyes as she tried to pull away from his grip . "Your-your hurting me " she wined as her knees grew weak . He released her hand and looked around the room noticing he was in an hospital  . He tried to move but instantly fell back as pain shot through his neck .

"You were shot in the neck , you can't really move " she said sitting next to him on the bed . He reached up feeling the bandage around his neck . Jesus rolled his eyes and just starred at the nurse .

"Your voice is also gone I can't help you with that either " she said looking down playing with her fingers . He eyed her looking at how young she looked . She wasn't an ugly female at all .

Looking over his facial features again her eyes landed on his lips . Then it traveled up to his eyes . "I don't know what it is but something is telling me to help you " she said   . He read her work badge and seen her name was Yasmin .

She pulled out her phone dialing the only person she knew would help her get him out of this hospital before the cops showed .

"Yeah , I need your help " she said into the phone . Jesus watched her have a conversation trying to process everything that's going on before she hung up .

"My cousins a doctor here also . She's going to give you some medicine to slow your heart rate down " she said looking out the door making sure no ones coming in . "Were going to pronounce you dead after, and ill get you out of here . The police should be here later on . By that time you'll be gone " he lifted his thumb and she smiled a little . Yasmin cousin walked into the room ready to get to work . She looked over at Jesus then eyed Yasmin sighing .

"Hallway now " she said walking away as Yasmin followed her . Yasmin tried to speak and her cousin stopped her putting her hand up . "What the fuck are you doing ?!" She whispered yelled . She knew her cousin had a big heart but this was over the top .

"I'm trying to help him ! Look at him Alexis ! "

"That boy is a fucking king pin , your dad would fuckin kill you, your forgetting your family , fuck , our family are Zoe's !" She said trying to get her to realize what she's doing . Yasmin is playing a dangerous game and don't even realize it . Pinching the bridge of her nose Yasmin sighed . "Are you gonna help me or not ?" She asked her cousin . Even if she said no she still was going to help Jesus out. Alexis sighed slapping her hands on her thighs ."Yasmin I guess but when this shit back fires on you leave me out of it !" She whisper yelled again walking into the room. Yasmin smiled following behind .

Meanwhile on the other side of town Josiah sat In the den going over contracts . It's been a week since he and moon actually slept in the same room . She constantly apologized from blowing him off and every time he asked her what she was doing , she dodges the question . He didn't want to believe she was messing around with Malcolm but all the signs were there . His phone vibrated and he seen it was jordan his ex calling him . He groaned eventually picking up the phone .

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