Drunk moments (19)

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"So what's your story ?" I asked Josiah as we sat in his black Altima .

"What you mean " he said pulling out of his drive way . We were currently on our way to a club because he said he had to do business with someone . He heard some things about the man so he asked me to tag along .

"I mean who are you what do you do for a living "

He continued driving ignoring my question. I just rolled my eyes and kept quiet. The drive was short & the club was packed when we pulled up . He found a spot up close and parked his car . Before I could get out he grabbed my arm .

"My name is Josiah bell , " he started as I sat back . "I'm 23 & I own multiple business, I graduated from UCLA & I'm also a architect. " I smiled & he let me go .

"Wow I would have never guessed . " I shrugged

"Why you say that ?" He replied getting out the car coming to open my door .

"Your appearance " I said grabbing his hand stepping out . I grabbed my clutch that contained my pocket knife & gun .  

He smiled walking ahead of me . "I get that a lot "

I wanted to know more about him because he's so mysterious & I liked that about him .

"Quick question " he sighed then stopped & looked at me .

"Yes" he rubbed his hand down his face . You can tell he was getting annoyed .

"Why did your dad want your mom dead ?" His jaw tightened. He turned around and started to walk to the entrance of the club .

"Ok rude" I mumbled. I caught up with him at the entrance as he talked to some man with a bunch of tattoos all over him . To say he's classy he sure know a lot of hood people . As him and the guy was talking the guy stopped and looked at me licking his lips .

Josiah turned around and rolled his eyes .

"Banga this moon , my friend "

He nodded his head and continued to stare at me . "You look familiar "

"Really ?" I raised my eyebrow .

"Yeah , but ion know" he averted his attention to Josiah . "I'll see you inside Joe " Josiah nodded and banga went in the building . Josiah looked at me taking in my appearance. He bit his lip as we walked in .

I'm not going to lie that white v neck fit his muscular body so well . He had on black tru religion jeans & some all white nike air forces . His red snap back said boss on the front . He looked fine as hell with those golds in his mouth.

He held my hand as we made our way up to VIP .

"Just watch these dudes . Soon as you see something out of the ordinary kill they ass " I nodded walking.

The club was packed and so many people were in here tonight . We made our way to the couches in VIP and Josiah sat down . The bottle girl brung us a tray of drinks and I seen Josiah down 2 shots back to back .

Banga walked into VIP with I guess his date . He eyed me for a second them smirked going to sit down .

"Wussup with your boy " I whispered to Joe . He started to sip on the alcohol in his cup shrugging his shoulders. He handed me a cup and I started to sip on the strong alcohol.

"Don't get too fucked up" he whispered grabbing my naked thigh . I smacked my teeth and rolled my eyes .

I got up out of my seat & started to sway to the music that was playing looking over the VIP Balcony my stomach turned . I seen Malcolm , Jason , & Dexter coming up the steps .

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