27(no fatigue)

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We sat outside the grave yard loading up all different types of guns . By it being dark out we parked the car in the perfect spot . No one would ever see it . It blended in with the night that's why I called my truck the ghost . All black everything .

"I think I'm gonna be sick " Moses said strapping the Ak on his back and tucking his pocket monster . All together I could say he has about 4 guns on him. When it comes to moon no matter how much they get into he comes ready for war when somebody fucks with her .

Josiah threw his black hoodie over his bullet proof vest and tucked a glock .9 and .45 in his pants . He had moons dessert eagle in his hand that she always used for good luck .

"Everybody let's go " I said hopping out the truck . I walked over to the drivers side where storm was . She still wasn't feeling it . The whole car ride she didnt say anything to anyone .

Shine walked up to me with her black hoodie over her head and her eyes were blood shot red . "You ready ?" She asked me and I nodded . "I'm gonna trail behind y'all and cover y'all , " he said pulling out this tablet and he scanned over the grave yards gate .

"What's that ?" I asked pointing to it . He smiled , "one of my boys gave it to me , it's a heat sensor "

Damn this nigga high tech. "Ok Mya has 13 guards all together . " he showed me pointing to the red dots . "This right here " he pointed "is Egypt , yall would have to break that back door down " and I nodded .

I was ready to get this over with . "Lets go shine " I told her and she nodded following behind me . The walk around to the back of the grave yard took about 30 minutes all together . We had to go unseen . It felt like we were in a game only thing is if we don't win we die .

I pulled out my walkie talkie "ok Jason we ready , y'all could go in "

"Gotcha" he said . Me and shine jumped the gate and his behind a tomb stone as we saw 3 Guards sitting down laughing . "How you wanna do this ?" I asked .

She screwed her silencer on and picked up a rock handing it to me ."imma gonna go around . When I make it to an deserted place throw it my way one of those fools are bound to go "check it out" " she said and I nodded . I seen her running avoiding the 3 men and when she made to the wooded area I tossed the rock as far as I could by her. One of the men looked up and told the other 2 to shut up .

"Y'all heard that ?"

"No what ?"

The guy that heard it got up and started to walk over to where shine was . I seen him disappear into the forest so I took my shot at the other two . My beam came in handy . I sent a head shot to one of the guards then the other one .

I mentally fussed at myself because I forgot to put my silencer on . Shine came running back pissed . "Malcolm wtf !" She yelled and I just told her come on .

We heard more gun shots on the other side and I just knew that was Jason and them . Me and shine ran through the grave as fast as we could . "Fucking idiot !" She yelled running past me.

I was right on her tail . One guard tackled shine to the ground punching her in the face  and I used my gun and hit the back of his head shooting him .

"You good?" I helped her up and she nodded wiping the blood from her nose . "I'm good lets go "


Mya sat with Egypt just staring at her . Her ears perked up when she heard gun shots and cardi ran inside .

"Mya we gotta go !" She yelled and Mya looked at her crazy . "What do you mean we gotta go ?"

"Malcolm , Malcolm and them are here !"

Moon heard Malcolm's name and lifted her head up a lil . She was weak , . Mya started to pace back and forward as more gun shots rang out . She looked over to moon and just laughed .

"It's funny how they worry bout you but forget about your lil best friend shermaine . "

Cardi just stood there . She knew what Mya had set up . It was wrong but she couldn't say anything . She didn't condone on killing pregnant women . Even though Moses killed her father along with Malcolm she would never had done some shit like this .

"Look at me !" She smacked moon across the face . Moon picked her head up as far as she could breathing out as much as she could . She couldn't catch her breath . "Leave shermaine out of this " she said in a low tone  And Mya laughed .

"Bitch fuck y'all , you , shermaine and yo ugly ass cousin !" She said cocking the gun back . The gun shots got closer and cardi ran out . Mya looked back and shook her head . "Weak bitch" .

She gave moon her full attention . "I never did like you hoe" . Moon squeezed her eyes as much as she could waiting for the gun to pierce through her skull .


Opening her eyes she seen Mya touching her chest as blood leaked out . She looked at moon before falling to the ground . Josiah walked out the shadows with his gun still drawn walking over her letting 6 more fly out the gun .

He looked at moon and frowned , this wasn't the moon he knew . She was fragile . Josiah pulled out his pocket knife cutting the ropes of her . He picked her up and started to exit out the abandon building . Moon was so weak she couldn't even wrap her arms around him .

Jason ran up with Moses and once Moses seen her he turned around . "Where that bitch at !?" He said going back further into the grave yard . Jason called for Moses to come back but he just kept going . He was looking for cardi . He seen when she was running but just ignored her .

Josiah started to cry as he carried Egypt . He was suppose to protect her and he couldn't even do that . Malcolm and shine came up with there guns drawn but tucked them once they seen it was Jason and Josiah .

"Where's Moses ?" Shine said and Jason told her he ran back in for cardi . Malcolm shook his head . Cardi knew this grave yard better than anybody so it was gone be hard trying to catch her .

"Shermaine just text me and said a truck with men just pulled up " Jason said .

"How many?"  Malcolm asked .

"About 7 " he said tucking his phone " we gotta go" and they sped up walking . A bullet flew past shines head and everyone ducked .

"They over here !" A man yelled and more bullets ranged out . Josiah started running holding moon trying to make it to the truck . "Aww fuck !" He said as a bullet went through his leg causing him to slow down and limp . He wasn't stopping till he got her safe . 

Jason and them shot back at the men making sure Josiah made it . Once Josiah got to the car he hurried and threw Egypt In . He was losing consciousness from how much blood he was loosing . Malcolm and them ran back as a bullet went through the window shattering it . Everybody hoped in the car and Josiah hopped out pulling out his lighter . The whole time he was trailing behind he was dumping gasoline around the grave yard .   He walked over to the fence ducking as bullets went past him him . He lit the tomb stone on fire and soon it spreaded fast .

"Dude , Moses is still in there !" Shine yelled as Josiah hopped back into the car .

"Storm drive ! Now , " Malcolm   Said.

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