1: Welcome Home.

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I got out of the plane and looked around for my dad and Jack. My sisters, Molly and Laura are away in college, so I really never see them. My parents got a divorce when I was only 3, my mom decided to take me with her since I was so small, Jack wanted to come along too, but my dad didn't let him. He thought that the only boy should grow up with a man. Now here I am 13 years later meeting my family once again.

"Alex" I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw Jack.

"Jack" I smiled and hugged him. "I've missed you so much!" I said crying.

"Me too baby sis" he said.

We let go and I saw tears in his eyes as well.

"Alex, how are you honey?" My dad asked coming up to me to hug me.

"Great dad, you?" I asked.

"Great sweetie" he said. "Come on let's go home guys"


"So this is your room, I repainted it to a mint color and got you a new bed and curtains, we can go to Lowe's later to buy stuff to decorate your room" he said.

"Thanks Jack" I said hugging him. "I'm going to start unpacking"

"I'll help" he said.

We unpacked all my stuff I was just fixing up my stuff. When Jack opened my bag full of my mom's things.

"How was she?" He asked.

"She was great, she always talked about how much she missed you. She was planning on coming to see you, but she was too afraid you wouldn't want to see her, and we didn't have the money" I said. "I actually brought you something, she wanted me to give you this if I ever saw you" I said as I pulled out something from my bag.

He still hasn't said anything, I can see tears in his eyes.

"I don't know if you remember because I don't, mom just told me the story but the day we left, you had gave mom this necklace that was yours and you really loved. Well she kept it and wore everyday, she told me at the hospital after the accident to get it fixed up for you and I did. Here it is" I said handing him a necklace with a shark tooth on it.

"Oh my god" he whispered as he started balling into my arms as I hugged him.

"It's okay Jack" I whispered starting to cry. "We have each other now, it's like part of mom is still with us, as long as we're together" I said crying.

"Alex, promise me, we will never separate again" he said.

"I promise" I said.


"Alex! Can you come downstairs?" My dad called me.

"Coming!" I said as I walked downstairs. I went downstairs past the living room and saw Jack and a blonde boy sitting there playing the Xbox. The blonde boy looks really familiar.

"Yes dad?" I asked as I went into the kitchen.

"I'm going to work, if you need anything here's my phone number and Jack is here-"

"You're going to work this late?" I cut him off.

"Uh yeah, I take night shifts" he said, he sounded unsure.

"What do you work in?" I asked very curiously.

"I work in fixing peoples walls, floors and that kind of stuff" he said.

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