10: Canada.

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At school Shawn seemed really happy today. I didn't question it, because I love seeing him happy. I got home and kicked off my shoes. I sat in the living room watching 'Fixer Upper' on tv, I don't have homework today since it's Friday, then I got a text message from Shawn.

Shawn🤘🏼💗: r u packed & ready?

Me: huh?

Shawn🤘🏼💗: ugh go talk to Jack
Shawn🤘🏼💗: why hasn't he told u

Me: what r u talking abt?

Shawn🤘🏼💗: coming to Canada

Me: he said yes?

Shawn🤘🏼💗: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: omg let me go pack

I walked upstairs to Jack's room.

"Hey Jack" I said coming in.

"Hey, oh yeah, go pack so you can go to Canada with Shawn" he said.

"Okay! Yay! Thanks Jack!" I said hugging him.

"You're welcome, but no funny business, I don't want to be a uncle yet and please be careful!" He said.

"Oh my god no! I'm too young to do that, and I promise." I said leaving the room to pack.

I packed all my clothes and some shoes, I'll be back Sunday night so I don't need to pack much. I was done with my clothes, just packing my makeup pouch when some arms grabbed my waist. I jumped a little and turned around and saw Shawn.

"Hey!" I said kissing him lips. "What are you doing here?"

"We are leaving at 9" he said.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you done packing?" He asked.

"Yeah, let me change right quick, I thought we were leaving tomorrow" I said.

"Nah, we'll get more time over there if we go today and make sure you dress warmly'' he said sitting on my bed.

"Okay, I'll be right out" I said walking into my closet. I changed and then came back out to do my hair.

I came out and walked into my bathroom, I brushed my hair and fixed up my makeup

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I came out and walked into my bathroom, I brushed my hair and fixed up my makeup.

"Okay I'm ready" I said to Shawn as he was laying on my bed on his phone.

"Okay, let's go pick up my dad and then drive to the airport" he said. I grabbed my phone it was 7:19pm, Shawn grabbed my bag and we walked downstairs.

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