6: Funeral.

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Today is my mom's funeral and I haven't talked to any of the guys, not even Shawn. He tried talking to me yesterday but I told him to give me space. I feel really bad, he looks so sad. I'm in front of the mirror looking at my dress.

It's not too much, and it's not too little

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It's not too much, and it's not too little. I decided to not put any makeup on because I will be crying the whole time. I put on my flats and walked downstairs. I saw Jack and Johnson in the living room.

"I'm ready" I said.

"You look great" Jack said with a smile.

"You do too" I said.

"Let's go guys" my dad said as he came downstairs.

We got in the car and drove to the funeral service. There were chairs all around the casket, I took the pretty red and pink roses I had in my hand and put them on top of the casket. They were my mom's favorite.


"Now Alex will you please give your speech" the pastor said. I nodded and walked up to the podium.

"My mom was the type of person that could make anyone feel better, even in your darkest days. She loved me very much, she loved me, Jack, Molly and Laura. There wasn't a day that she wouldn't mention you guys. We were saving up to come visit, but then she had this horrible accident. It's going to be hard to live without my mom. She was my bestfriend, I could talk to her about anything, but when you love someone so much." I took a pause and made eye contact with Shawn. "You just have to let them go. Even if you thought they were the best thing that ever happened to you," I paused again, but this time because I started crying. "I'm sorry" I took a deep breath and continued. "My mom is in a better place now. I may not be satisfied with this choice but, sometimes you have to deal with it, even if it means, you won't be happy, t-thank you" I said and started crying.

"The service is now over, dear god let this lady be in a better place" the pastor said.

I walked in front of the tombstone because they just buried my mom in.

"Mom, I'm going to miss you" I cried. "I need your help, I don't know what to do" I hugged myself and continued crying. "I'm trying to stay strong, b-but it's hard mom" I took deep breaths and finally stopped crying and got up to walk towards Jack. On my way there I saw Ethan and Grayson.

"Hey guys!" I said waving.

"Hey Alex, we're sorry for your loss" Ethan said.

"I loved your speech by the way" Grayson said.

"Thank you" I said giving them a hug.

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