16: It's Over.

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I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into someone's chest. I looked up and saw Shawn.

"I-I'm sorry!" I said looking back down.

"Alex, can we please talk?" He asked me.

"I don't want to" I said.

"You cant just avoid me" he said.

"Watch me" I said tearing up again.

"Alex please!" He yelled as he grabbed my arm.

"Shawn! Let me go!" I yelled at him. Most of the guys were around us.

"Just tell me why, why did you break up with me? What did I do wrong?" He whispered to me. I looked at him and tried to not cry but it didn't work out I was in tears.

"I c-can't" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm again. "Shawn just let me go"

"Shawn just let her go" Jack said pushing him away.

"But I-I can't. I can't let her go!" He said.

"Shawn!" Matt slightly yelled. Shawn looked at him then at me and then shook his head and walked away. Right when he did that I couldn't hold it in any longer, I started balling.

"It's okay Alex" Johnson said hugging me.


I walked out of my last class, I was on my way to Jack's car when I saw Shawn walking to his car. I stopped for a second but then someone beeped their horn because I was in the middle of the road. I apologized and went to Jack's car, already soaking wet, I really didn't care anymore. I looked up and made eye contact with Shawn, his wet hair falling onto his forehand, his shirt sticking to his body, making his abs clearly visible through his shirt. He took a step forward and opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but he shut it and walked back to his car. I hugged myself not only because I was shaking but because it was kind of cold. He was still staring at me, he wanted to say something but then Jack came.

"Let's go" he said getting in the car. I got in and when we pulled out I saw Shawn get in his car and hit his steering wheel, he put his head in his hands and pulled his hair in frustration.

"Can you make sure he's okay?" I asked Shawn in my shaky voice.

"What if he asks me the same?" He questioned.

"Just tell him I'm fine, and don't tell him why I broke up with him" I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"I really didn't want us to end like this." I said crying.

"Maybe you guys could try again in the future" he told me as he rubbed my back. I nodded and calmed down before we got off the car. We got off and went inside.

"Kids! Come to the kitchen!" My dad yelled. We walked in and saw Dad and Emily in the kitchen with a notebook in front of them.

"So we are making out weddings plans. It's next week, we were just wondering if you guys wanted to invite anyone else? Jack I already have most of your friends, I don't know if I forgot anyone" He said.

Jack looked through the list and grabbed the pen. "You just forgot, Aaron, Hayes- wait Hayes is included with Nash never mind. And Shawn. He can still come right?" Jack said.

I looked at him when he mentioned Shawn, I tried to show no emotion. "Yeah sure" my dad said.

"Alright that's it for me" Jack said.

"And you honey?" Emily asked me.

I shook my head no. "No what?" My dad questioned.

"I don't have anyone to invite" I said looking down.

"What about that girl with blonde and pink hair?" Jack asked.

"I don't talk to her anymore" I said quietly.

"Oh" Jack said.

"So you have no friends?" Dad asked.

"I guess not" I shrugged.

"Well that sucks, anyways would you like to be a bridesmaid!?" Emily said very excitedly.

"Sure why not" I said.

"Yay! We are going dress shopping this weekend with your sisters and my bestfriend Ana" she said clapping her hands.

"Well I'm going upstairs to do homework" I said getting up.

"Alright" dad said.

I walked to my room and threw my bag on my bed. I went to my closet and changed from my joggers to some bright blue, Nike shorts. Then I went to the bathroom and just stood in front of the mirror. I look terrible, miserable, disgusting. Is this how it's going to be everyday? I washed my face and walked out to do my homework.

I was in the middle of my math homework when my phone started ringing. I just picked it up and answered, I didn't check the ID caller.

Alex can we please talk?

Shawn please just leave me alone.

I loudly sighed and turned back to my homework but then my phone started ringing. I made sure to look at who was calling. It was Nate.


Hey I heard you and Shawn aren't together anymore. You okay?

Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking.

Oh well do you wanna hang out?

I'm doing homework right now but thanks for the invite.

Oh next time then?

Yeah of course. Bye Nate.


That was so weird. I lost concentration on my homework so I gave up on it and just stuffed it in my bag. I grabbed a five dollar bill and walked out the door to 'La Tiendita'. I walked inside and saw Ms. Teresa.

"Ms. Teresa! Hi! I need some ice cream to cheer me up, can I get my usual but a large instead of a medium?" I told her.

"Yes of course Alex! And what's wrong?" She asked as she served me ice cream.

"My dad made me break up with Shawn so we aren't together anymore, I really love him." I said as I handed her the money.

"Aw Alex, I hope everything works ou-" she stopped talking and looked over me. I turned around and saw Shawn coming inside.

"I think I should go, thanks Ms. Teresa" I said grabbing my ice cream.

"Bye Alex!" She said, I walked around Shawn trying to not make eye contact. But I failed, I looked up at his dreamy eyes. But he showed no emotion. He just looked away, he didn't even try to talk to me.

Okay, I think that's it.

It's over, we're over.

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