30: See You Soon.

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Just wanna say I am not a Shamila shipper. Ew. But yeahhhh😬 Shawn looks great in this


"Shawn I don't want you to leave" I said as I held onto Shawn.

"Babe I don't want to leave you either, but I need to start my career" he said hugging me.

"I'll miss you" I said tearing up.

"I'll miss you too, we will FaceTime every night, I'll call you everyday, we can text in between, fuck I'm gonna miss nights like yesterday and New Years" he said smirking the last part. That's right it happened again last night.

"Oh Shawn, I love you!" I said blushing.

"I love you more Alex" he said kissing me.

"Flight 289 to New York is now boarding"

"I'll see you soon baby" Shawn said kissing me.

"Bye Shawn" I said as he walked away to his plane.

"Ready to go Alex?" Johnson asked and I nodded. We quickly walked out to the car so we wouldn't run into any fans.

"We leave tonight right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, first stop Colorado!" He said told me.

"Oh my god! I'm gonna call Blair, so she can come see me at the concert!" I said taking my phone out.

"Who's that? Johnson asked.

"My cousin, well not blood related but her mom was my moms bestfriend they were like sisters so we grew up believing we were cousins" I said as I texted her.


Shawn left to New York, Cameron and Nash are at their apartment in LA, Matt is auditioning for a roll in a movie, Nate and Sammy are starting a tour as well, Nate now goes by Skate. The rest of the guys are either staying here or visiting us at DigiTour.

"Alex you ready to go?" Jack asked as he took two of my bags.

"Yeah I got everything" I told him as I grabbed my purse.

Madison and Jack are currently on a break. Jack apologized for being such a dick and we're good now. I'm glad that bitch is gone, I told Jack how she tried to get Shawn and I to break up and he got pissed. I grabbed Blaze and got in the car. We drove to the bus station where Jack & Jack's tour bus would be. We arrived and hopped in.

"Okay so Alex do you want the room and we can be in the bunk beds?" Jack asked me.

"No, we can give the room to dad and Emily, I'll sleep on a bunk bed" I said smiling at them.

"Thank you sweetie" Emily said getting in the room. I put my stuff under the bed I was sleeping in since they had a little storage area thing.

"Can I put these two bags in your storage thing?" I asked Jack.

"Sure but only one fits" he said grabbing one.

"Here put the other one in mine" Johnson said.

I finally got everything settled and we were on the road to Colorado. I laid down in my bottom bunk with Johnson on the top and Jack on the other side but the top as well. Blaze laid beside me and cuddled with me. I took a picture on snapchat of Blaze cuddling with me and put:

Since Shawn isn't here to cuddle I have Blaze💗

I was falling asleep when my phone started ringing.

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