25: Christmas Shopping.

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This past week has been normal other than me coming home to my dad begging for me to get blood taken out, I really don't want to do it. Today is Saturday and I'm going Christmas shopping with Jack. I brushed my hair and left my natural curls. I put on black leggings, a grey t-shirt and a military parka. I added a black scarf because it's pretty cold outside. I grabbed my grey vans and slid them on. I did my makeup and walked downstairs with my phone in my hand.

"I'm ready Jack!" I said as Jack came out the kitchen

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"I'm ready Jack!" I said as Jack came out the kitchen.

"Wow you actually dressed nice" he said with a mouth full of chips.

"It's just I love Christmas shopping" I said excitedly.

"Well dad left $150 for each of us" he said handing me the cash.

"Wow, he must want a nice present" I said laughing.

"True" he joined in laughing. We walked out to his car and drove to the mall. We walked inside and went in different directions. I went into American Eagle and bought all the guys a shirt but since I'm a slow shopper it took me about an hour and a half to find the good ones, also I'm getting them something else of course. I have $480 of my savings to spend during this so I'm going all out. I went into Bath & Body Works and got Laura a perfume and lotion that smells like lemon, she loves lemon scent. I got Molly some that smells like coconut. I then went into Nike and got Hayes a football, Johnson a basketball and Jack these really nice shoes. I also got Jack this really cool bracelet where he has half and I have half and when you put it together it becomes a better looking bracelet and it forms the words 'make today great, but tomorrow better', Mom would always tell us that quote, I personally think it's really cute. I then started walking to a music store when I got a message from Shawn.

ShawnBabe💗: hey baby

Me: hey babe

ShawnBabe💗: what r u doing today?

Me: currently Xmas shopping

ShawnBabe💗: ok well can we hang out later? I wanna give you my present

Me: sure I'll give you mine 2

ShawnBabe💗: I wanna see ur reaction when u open mine

Me: ok baby

ShawnBabe💗: alright well I'll let u shop. I love you❤️❤️❤️

Me: I love you too❤️

I need to find Shawn a present, I already have a t-shirt, I looked around the store and didn't find anything good, I might just get him a guitar, he tweeted the other saying how he needed a new one.

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