29: New Years.

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Omg guys Shawn at Madison Square Garden was amazing! Proud of him!


So for New Years our town likes to do fireworks at the baseball stadium. But I like watching them from further away, so Shawn and I are going to be at the bridge at the park, it'll be perfect.

"Shawn! You gotta go home and shower and get ready" I said nudging Shawn to get up.

"But baby, I would rather stay here with you" he said as he laid on my lap and hugged my waist.

"I would to but we gotta go to the dinner with everyone and then New Years!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh" he groaned. I bent down and kissed his cheek. He slowly sat up and leaned into me.

"I'm so damn lucky to have you Alexandra" he said as he pecked my lips. Shawn rarely cusses or calls me by my full name, whenever he does it means it's serious.

"I'm lucky to have you Shawn" I said kissing him back. He started rubbing my leg as we made out, I knew what he wanted.

"Shawn .. Stop.." I pulled away. "You gotta go get ready"

"Baby, I still have like 2 hours" he said trying to kiss me again.

"2 hours!? I need to start getting ready!" I yelled as I got up.

"Well then I'm gonna go home, take a nap, get ready and then come pick you up" Shawn said bending down to kiss me.

"Okay I'll see you later baby, be careful with the snow and icy roads" I said kissing him back.

"I will" he said as he walked out yawning. I walked into my closet to pick out my outfit. I showered this morning so I went to the bathroom to blow dry my hair because it was damp. I decided to curl my hair with the straightener so it won't be too much of curl, kinda like a wave. I did so and then went to go change.

I put in some tights, a long sleeve black shirt and tucked it in my skirt

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I put in some tights, a long sleeve black shirt and tucked it in my skirt. I grabbed my jacket, and put it under the scarf. I walked to my mirror and started my makeup. I didn't do much really, just mascara and a little eyeliner. I put on a heart necklace, some earrings and the bracelet Shawn gave me. I grabbed my purse and my phone. 6:49pm wow I finished earlier than I thought. I walked downstairs and saw Shawn and Jack eating some chips while watching tv.

"Uh hey guys?"

"Damn you look hot" Shawn said getting up to kiss me.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him.

"Bout 30 minutes"

"Why didn't you come up to my room?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to wait until you finished getting ready" he said.

"Oh" I said nodding. "So are we going now?"

"Madison isn't ready yet" Jack told me. I mentally rolled my eyes.

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