33: Uh Oh.

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I woke up with no one beside me. I remembered that Shawn went to a meeting. I got up and when went to change.

I left my hair natural, just braided the top and united it in the back

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I left my hair natural, just braided the top and united it in the back. I put on my shoes, grabbed my phone and walked out with Blaze.

"Hey guys" I said as I saw Cameron, Nash, Matt, Taylor and Carter. "Where's everyone else?"

"They had meetings, or sound check for Jack and Jack" Cameron told me.

"Oh yeah" I said remembering. I helped the guys make breakfast, which was pancakes and scrambled eggs. We ate and then just sat around having fun. All of a sudden Cameron got a phone call.

No, I didn't.
Calm down.
Okay bye.

"Ugh I hate girls when they're on their period" Cameron sighed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"My sister, Sierra, was being bitchy asking if I called my mom or not" he told me.

"Remember that time when Alex was on her period and she threw a tennis ball at Carter?" Taylor said laughing.

"Bro that fucking hurt!" Carter exclaimed as everyone laughed. I would be laughing too but, my period. I haven't had it all month. Shit.

"Well Cameron and I have to go meet up with the directors, we'll be back by 1:30" Nash told us as they began to walk out.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna go meet this girl I met, see you guys later" Carter said walking out. I'm still worried about me being late.

"Alex, you okay? What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I- oh you know- I" I stuttered.

"Alex, you can trust us" Taylor added.

"I know I can trust you guys, it's just. When Cameron mentioned the whole period thing, it got me thinking, I haven't had my period all month!" I said slowly. Matt and Taylor had a shocked look on their face.

"Alex" Taylor started.

"You and Shawn-" Matt added.

"You guys, did it?" Taylor finished. I slowly nodded.

"HOLY SHIT! WHEN WAS THIS!?" Matt screamed.

"New Years and the night before he left" I blushed.

"OH MY GOD IT WASN'T JUST ONCE!" Taylor screamed as well.

"Guys! This is serious!" I wined.

"Okay okay, sorry we had to- shit I can't believe you guys actually did it" Taylor rambled.

"Did you guys use protection?" Matt asked me. I thought for a second and gasped.

"Oh my god, am-am I pregnant?" I whispered.

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