19: It's Complicated.

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"Alex, we're here" Ethan said waking me up.

"Oh thanks so much guys!" I said getting out the car with my wristlet bag and shinguards in my hand. I walked or sorta because of my sore leg, in the mall, and I realized that the store is on the other side of the mall. I started running past people, I turned the corner at Subway and ran into someone. It was Shawn, I looked behind him and saw the guys.

"Jack here" I said handing him my shinguards and I quickly took off my cleats and put on my slides that he brought me. I started walking away but backed up and took some fries from Matt. "Sorry I haven't ate anything all day" I said running towards the dress store.

"Wait Alex!" Jack called for me and I ran back.

"What?" I asked taking more of Matt's fries.

"Did you win?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I scored two goals" I paused to swallow and take some of Taylor's coke. "And I got cleated right here on my thigh, and this bitch stepped on my ankle" I showed them my scars.

"Congrats!" Cameron yelled! "And that looks like it hurt"

"Yeah, but I gotta go, bye!" I said taking more fries and a sip of coke. I ran to the dress store and walked in.

"Emily!" I yelled for her name.

"Back here! Hey, so we are going to do a white and gold dress, here are the options, so let's pick which ones look nice. Ana, already picked hers out, but your sisters wanted to wait on you" she told me and I nodded.

"Did you win?" Molly asked me.

"Yeah, I scored two goals." I said.

"Congrats! Way to start off the season!" Laura added.

"Thanks" I said grabbing a few dresses my size.


Everyone has their dress but me. I tried on 12 dresses and didn't like any of them, they have to be long. Ana's dress is gold at the top and white at the bottom, Laura's has gold gems on one side and its tighter, Molly's dress has a gold line at the top and waist of the dress and it's open at the bottom.

I tried on the last dress and woah, I think I like this one. It's strapless, with gold on top and then the rest is white and loose.

"Woah Alexandra! That is hot!" Molly yelled.

"I agree! Go hottie!" Laura added.

"Yeah I'll take this one" I told Emily.

"Good choice" she told.

I went back and changed into my uniform because I didn't bring extra clothes. I looked for my earrings and ring, but I couldn't find my ring in my bag. No! I started freaking out.

"Molly! Laura! I can't find my ring! The ring mom gave me!" I told them tearing up. This ring is so special to me.

"Okay calm down, calm down" Laura said.

"We can look here, you call the guys who gave you a ride to look in their car, and go find Jack maybe you accidentally gave it to him" Molly told me. I nodded and ran out the store to find Jack as I called Ethan.


Ethan! Can you check in your car if I dropped my ring? I need to find it, it's silver and it looks as if it were three rings, but it's just one, it has my siblings name on it

Yeah I'll go look

Let me know if you find it okay?

Of course he said and I hung up.

I walked around and saw Nash and Carter at Aeropostale.

"Hey guys! Where's Jack?" I asked.

"At the food court with the rest of the guys" Nash said.

"Okay thanks" I said running towards the stairs. I ran up the stairs to the Chick-Fil-A and saw all the guys there.

"Jack! Jack!" I said panting.

"What? Are you okay?" He asked.

I took a moment to catch my breath. "Have you seen my ring? The one mom gave me! I can't find it. I lost it! Do you know how bad that is?" I said frustrated.

"Shh, Alex. No I don't have it. Have you called the twins? Maybe it's in their car" he told me.

"I already called them, Ethan said he was going to check." I said then I felt my phone vibrate, I checked and it was him saying he didn't see it. "He didn't find it!"

"Well-" but Shawn cut him off.

"I have it. You dropped it when you were giving Jack your stuff, but you were in a hurry, I didn't want to call you again, and you don't want to talk to me, I was going to give it to Jack when we left home but here" Shawn said handing me my ring, I felt bad the way he said I didn't want to talk to him.

"Thanks" I said taking it and slightly touching his hand. I know he felt the sparks because he looked up at me right when I did. He just slightly nodded. I texted Molly and told her that I had found it.

"Okay, I'm getting food because I'm starving" I said getting up to get in line for Chick-Fil-A. I ordered a 8- piece nuggets with a large fries and a chicken sandwich with a large Dr. Pepper. God I'm so hungry. I took my food, grabbed some ketchup and went to go sit with the boys.

"Damn! That's a lot of food" Aaron said.

"I haven't ate all day, so whatever" I said.

"Okay are you done so we can leave?" Jack asked a few minutes after I finished. I nodded as I took the last sip of my drink. I got up and threw my stuff away and I followed the guys to the car, I got in Jack's car which was Jack and Johnson in the front, Matthew, Taylor and I, or at least I thought until Shawn jumped in the back and squeezed in beside me. I looked down and got on my phone. I was on Twitter and saw I was getting a lot of tweets asking if Shawn and I were still dating. I haven't deleted the pictures we took on any social media, they're just sitting there. I clicked on a tweet and was going to reply 'it's complicated😕'  but Shawn took my phone and deleted it.

"Shawn! What the heck!?" I yelled snatching my phone away. He just looked out the window, god he pisses me off. I leaned on Taylor's shoulder and continued looking through social media.

But I do miss Shawn, the old, non-bitchy Shawn.

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