26: Merry Christmas.

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Today is Christmas, so we have a party or family reunion with my dad, Jack,  Emily and apparently Jack's girlfriend, Madison and then tomorrow we open presents. It's 5:30pm and I already hear people getting here, I slipped on my boots and fixed my hair.

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs

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I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

"Alexandra! My sweetie, you look so beautiful!" I heard my grandma say.

"Grandma! I've missed you!" I said hugging her.

"So how are you? Any boyfriend yet?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Actually yes grandma, his name is Shawn, he is such a great boyfriend" I said smiling.

"Wow really! Is he coming tonight?" She asked.

"No, he went to go visit his family in Canada" I told her.

"Oh that sucks, but hopefully I can meet him soon" she said. "Show me pictures!" I nodded and showed her pictures of Shawn and I.

"This was at the wedding" I said showing her a picture of Shawn and I.

"Oh my goodness you two look so happy, I'm so happy for you Alexandra" she said hugging me. I prefer Alex, but my grandma doesn't like Alex, so I don't correct her at calling me Alexandra, all of my family calls me Alexandra.

About 4 hours later and more family came in, I sat with Johnson and Blaze in a couch for one, but we both fit pretty well.

"So when is Jack's girlfriend, Thotison getting here?" I asked Johnson.

"I don't know, hopefully not soon" he said laughing at my joke.

"I still can't believe Shawn got me a puppy" I said kissing Blaze's nose.

"I know he's so cute" Johnson said petting Blaze.

"Johnson, Alex! Come here" Jack said waving at Johnson and I.

"Ugh here comes Thotison" Johnson mumbled which caused me to laugh. I swear Johnson and I talk crap about like everyone. We walked to the back porch where Jack was with Madison.

"Guys this is Madison, my girlfriend. Madison this is my best friend Jack, but you can call him Johnson and my sister, Alex." He said pointing at us as we awkwardly waved. "Oh and this is Alex's puppy, Blaze"

"Oh my goodness a puppy!" She yelled trying to pet Blaze but he growled at her. "Oh, I guess he doesn't like me" she laughed.

"Alex, control that dog" Jack said rudely. I rolled my eyes and played with Blaze's ear.

"Jack! Johnson! Come here please! I need you to help me carry this!" My dad yelled. They nodded and walked to my dad, leaving Madison and I alone.

"So aren't you dating that Shawn guy?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Wow" she mumbled crossing her arms.

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