37: Running Low.

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Okay okay if you're a fast reader I suggest to read this slowly and play the song. It will give this chapter more emotion & don't start reading until he starts singing in the song ❤️


I got up and started changing.

"Shawn? What are you doing?" Alex asked me.

"I have to go, for my tour" I told her tearing up.

"This early?" She asked.

"Yeah, Andrew wants to go ahead and leave" I told her sighing.

"Well I'll miss you baby, I'll see you in about a month?" She told me getting up. I couldn't look her in the eye. "Shawn?"

"I got you this necklace" i said grabbing the little gift bag sitting on the desk. I pulled out a heart locket.

"Here's this necklace this way you'll always have a piece of my heart, and you'll never be alone." I started.

"Shawn, why-why are you talking like this? I'll see you in a month right?" She asked me. I had tears in my eyes. I grabbed her face and kissed her one last time.

"I-I can't Alex" i said crying.

"What? You can't what Shawn" She asked me.

"Just read that letter when I'm gone" i said pointing to a letter on the desk.

"Shawn please-"

"I'm sorry but I have to go" i said wiping my tears.

I walked out of the apartment. I got in the car with Andrew and started crying.

"Shawn? Oh god, are you okay?" Andrew asked me as he patted my back. I shook my head no.

"I think I made a mistake with Alex" I said crying.

"Shawn did you think about it before you did what you did?" He asked me. I nodded. "Then you didn't, you thought it was the correct thing to do, even if Alex doesn't believe it." I took a deep breath and wiped my tears.

"I'm gonna miss her, but I hope she doesn't hate me forever" I told him.

"She won't, she loves you" he told me.

I'm sorry for letting go. I thought.


I woke up to Shawn changing.

"Shawn? What are you doing?" I asked sitting up.

"I have to go, for my tour." He told me. I checked the clock. 4:58am.

"This early?" I asked.

"Yeah, Andrew wants to go ahead and leave" he told me sighing.

"Well I'll miss you baby, I'll see you in about a month?" I told him getting up. He wouldn't look me in the eye. "Shawn?"

"I got you this necklace" he said grabbing the little gift bag sitting on the desk. He pulled out a heart locket.

"Here's this necklace this way you'll always have a piece of my heart, and you'll never be alone." He started.

"Shawn, why-why are you talking like this? I'll see you in a month right?" I asked him. He had tears in his eyes, He grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I-I can't Alex" he said crying.

"What? You can't what Shawn" I asked him.

"Just read that letter when I'm gone" he said pointing to a letter on the desk.

"Shawn please-"

"I'm sorry but I have to go" he said wiping his tears.

"Please don't go" I whispered as he walked out the room. I started crying. I ran out to see if I could catch him before he left but it was too late. He was gone. I ran back up to the apartment in the room and opened the letter.

Dear Alex,
I'm really sorry but you love me and I love you and you have to understand that this is the right decision. I'm not ready to be a father. I can't stay, my career is just starting, I have to go. I want you to keep the baby, maybe when I'm ready, I'll help you raise it. I know you can raise it, you'll be the best and most beautiful mom ever. I love you Alexandra, I hope you understand why I had to do this.

Love, Shawn

I started crying and shouting no.

"Why? No no no" I cried.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Jack asked coming in the room. I looked up at him and ran to hug him.

"Jack you were right! You were right! He left. He left me." I cried.

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked me.

"Shawn! He left me, he-he said he's not ready to be a dad, but he wants me to keep the baby" I yelled while I sobbed my heart out. I showed him the letter and he read it as I cried on the bed. The rest of the guys walked in and Jack informed them what happened.

"Alex, oh my god, I'm so so sorry. I can't believe this. I thought he would actually stay" Jack said hugging me. I kept crying while the guys gave me a group hug.

I can't believe Shawn left. He left me alone with his baby.

Please don't go. I thought.

I didn't want him to go.

Omg this is the end to Please Don't Go! I hope you guys enjoyed this. Thanks everyone who kept reading and voted. I love you guys❤️

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