23: Xmas Party.

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"So are you wearing a dress to the party?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah right" I told him. We were currently eating at Chick-Fil-A.

"Why not? You'll look cute" Matt said.

"Because they're uncomfortable" I said taking a sip of my coke.

"I bet they aren't that bad" Johnson added.

"Oh really? Next weekend, I'm putting dresses on you guy and tell me if it's comfortable or not, I'll give you guys heels and makeup and everything" I said smirking.

"Deal" they said at the same time.

"Well I should get going, I need to go set up my house" Matt said getting up along with Taylor. I looked over at Johnson to see if he wanted to go or not because he was my ride here.

"Let's go Alex" Johnson said.

"Okay" I said following him, but then we heard someone scream, we turned around and saw 5 teenage girls pointing at Jack.

"Oh my god! You're the Jack Johnson!" They yelled and ran over to him.

"Can we take a picture!?" They asked. Johnson agreed and took pictures with them then one of them noticed me.

"Oh aren't you that girl that dated Nate and now is dating Shawn? What a slut" she said earning a few laughs from her friends.

"Yeah. Aren't you one of those psycho fans that stalk the guys all the time and fantasize about them?" I asked with a lot of sass.

"Oh not only is she slutty she's sassy too!" The blonde one said.

"Girls, I don't think Jack would like you guys talking about his sister that way" Johnson said. Then they all gasped.

"Oh my god! You're Gilinsky's sister! I am so sorry, please forgive me!" She said to me. I just smiled at her and walked away with Johnson following me.

"They're just jealous" Johnson told me as we got in the car.

"I'm not worried about them, it's fine" I said buckling up.

"Okay good" he said as we drove to my house.

"What time does the party start?" I asked him.

"5pm" he told me.

"Okay, it's 2, I'll just shower and then start getting ready" I said.

"Okay I don't really care" he told me.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes as he laughed.

We got home and before I got in the shower Shawn texted me.

ShawnBabe💗: r u wearing a dress for later?

Me: lol ur funny no

ShawnBabe💗: u look hot tho

Me: i will find something else to wear

ShawnBabe💗: u look hot in anything, just look hot for me 
ShawnBabe💗: not for other guys

Me: ur slow

ShawnBabe💗: im serious

Me: ok I gotta go shower see you later ❤️ I love you

ShawnBabe💗: ok I love you too❤️

After I came out the shower and put on a random t-shirt and shorts. I walked into my closet and found the perfect outfit. I blow dried and my and brushed it. It's currently 4:27pm and I still need to do my makeup. I didn't get in the shower till 3:30ish because I kept procrastinating. I went ahead and changed. After I fixed my hair then started my makeup. I didn't do much just mascara, foundation and lipstick. I finished with some highlight and then I was ready. It's 5:18pm, I'm surprised Jack isn't up here yelling at me to hurry.

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