21: Again.

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The wedding yesterday went great. I'm glad Mr. Gilinsky is letting me date Alex ..again. All the guys and I decided to crash at Jack's. We were all in Alex's room, she was still sleeping so I just laid beside her.

"Scoot over Shawn!" Matt told me. I moved over to the middle of the bed while Alex was on the end, she had a king sized bed so it has a lot of space.

"Why does Alex sleep with the blanket on her face?" Cameron asked.

"I don't know, but the only way she wakes up is if you pull it off, like you could be loud as hell and she would still be sleeping." Jack said.

"Wow, that's weird" Carter said. All of a sudden Nash screamed a high pitch scream.

"What the hell Nash!?" Johnson yelled at him.

"I wanted to see if Alex would wake up" he said causing all of us to laugh.

"Wait wait, do it again. I wanna put it on my snapchat" Cameron said. Nash screamed again and Alex didn't move.

"Okay, I'm gonna pull her blanket off her face" Cameron said into the camera, he pulled it and she woke up.

"Stop" she mumbled pulling the blanket closer. Everyone laughed. Cameron kept pulling. "Fuck off!" She shouted. He stopped for a second and then pulled the whole blanket off her face. "What the fuck! Leave me alone" she yelled trying to grab her blanket but Cameron wouldn't let go, she was still half asleep she just dug her face into my side.

"This is fucking hilarious" Taylor said recording.

"Why are you guys in my room?" She asked putting her head on my chest, while her arms around me.

"Just to watch you sleep" Matt said.

"You guys are stalkers" she said laughing hugging me tighter. I bent down to kiss her forehead and hugged her closer.

"Oh my god! You guys are so cute! Just stop it!" Johnson yelled. Alex just laughed and started stretching making a weird noise.

"I want some food!" She yelled.

"We can go out to eat" Jack suggested.

"No. Alex needs to get ready for our date" I said.

"Oh yeah, I had forgot" she yawned. "I'll get ready in a minute"

"Alex!" I said pushing her slightly.

"I wanna lay down!" Taylor said pushing Matt and I, which caused Alex to fall off the bed.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked looking down at her.

"I gotta go pee" she said running to the bathroom.


I finished peeing and damn it. Period. Ugh. I put a pad on and then came back out the bathroom and went to go find something to wear, I showered last night, so I'm not showering right now.

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