4: Trouble.

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Nate picked me up from school, he said he wanted to show up together so everyone found out or whatever. It's been 1 month since we have been dating and wants to supposedly confirm us today, honestly I don't want any attention but it's Nate he loves it!

"Are you sure we should do this?" I asked.

"Yes! This way everyone will know you're mine and no one will bother you!" He said

"Okay, I trust you" I said. He smiled and kissed me.

"Good" he whispered

We got out the car and started to walk towards the school, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. I saw everyone stare at our attached hand and whispering. Everywhere.

"I'm going to my locker, I'll see you at lunch" I said.

"Okay see you babe" he said kissing my cheek. I went to my locker and organized my stuff a little, I took out my History books and gym bag because those were my first two classes. I closed my locker and saw Shawn standing there, I jumped back, he scared me.

"Shawn hi" I said nervously. Shawn and I haven't been in the great terms, last time I actually hung out with him was when he went to my house to play soccer. Speaking of soccer, Jack signed me up, try outs are this week, I'm excited!

"Hey Alex" he said.

"Do you need anything or what?" I asked.

"Well someone isn't in a good mood" he said.

"No, sorry, I didn't mean it in a rude way" I said apologizing.

"It's fine" he said. "Can I give you a ride after school?" He asked.

"I'm riding with Nate.. I think" I said.

"We can stop for ice cream" he said.

"Only if we go to 'La Tiendita' it's my favorite and I need to say hi to Ms. Teresa" I said.

"Deal" he said smirking.

"Well gotta get to class, see you later" I said.

"Alex we are going to the same class" he said chuckling.

"Really? Oh yeah, I remember" I said.

We got to History class and I took my seat behind Nash, apparently Shawn, Taylor, Carter and Matthew are also in this class. We are in 11th grade, Nate, Jack, Johnson, Sammy and Cameron are in 12th and Aaron and Hayes in 10th. But we all hang together in lunch and PE. PE has all grades together, and some how we all got that class together. Shawn sat two rows from me. I kept catching him staring at me. He smiled at me and I did that same.

"Mendes, Gilinsky, is there something wrong? Stop staring at each other lovebirds" Mrs. Howard said.

"Actually no-" I started.

"She's dating Nate!" Matt yelled.

"No need for details" She said. Shawn's smile from while ago faded away. Mrs. Howard stepped outside to ask Mr Jerry a question when this girl, Cassy, is her name said something.

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