35: Spilling The Beans.

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I woke up with a shirtless Shawn sleeping beside me. He looked so peaceful, I think I stared at him a little longer than I wanted too because he started waking up. I quickly sat all the way up and stretched like if I were just getting up. I got up to look for an outfit to go hang with Jack and Jack. I glanced at Shawn and he was just watching me. I went into the bathroom to use it and brush my teeth. I came back out and started straightening my hair in front of the mirror desk. When I was done I went to go change in the bathroom.

I put on some mascara and earrings

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I put on some mascara and earrings. I grabbed the bracelet Shawn gave me and put it on. I remembered that we weren't together anymore so I looked at it debating if I should wear it or not. I always wear it. I took it off and put it on the desk. I grabbed my shoes and put them on. I saw a text from Jack.

Jack😎: u awake? Let's go eat breakfast.

Me: yeah coming downstairs

It felt weird not wearing the bracelet so I put it on again.

"You don't have to keep wearing it" Shawn said as he put on his shirt. I looked at him for a second and sighed. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"Good morning sunshine!" Cameron yelled.

"Good morning" I said giving him a smile.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm great!" I said more excitedly.

"Okay good!" He said giving me a hug.

"Wassup handsome man" Cameron yelled to Shawn as he let go of our hug.

"Hey man" Shawn said giving him a bro hug and glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and went to Johnson.

"So what you wanna talk about?" He asked me, but Matt heard. Matt looked at me and spoke up.

"I gotta go" He said walking away. I sighed and walked out with Jack and Jack. We got in the car and drove down to McDonalds to eat breakfast.

//after breakfast.

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" Jack asked.

"I think we might need to sit down for this" I told them as we reached the big rocks at the beach. We sat down and I started talking.

"Shawn broke up with me" I started, tears formed in my eyes.

"What! Why?" Johnson exclaimed.

"Because I kissed Matt and I told him, but it was a huge mistake, I wish I could take it back" I told them.

"Alex" Jack said.

"I know! I'm so stupid, and now my best friend hates me, Shawn hates me and I'm pregnant" I blurted out. Jack looked up at me and didn't say anything. Johnson's mouth hung open.

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