17: Hurt.

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I haven't talked to Alex all week. It hurts a lot. I've never been this sad, I loved her. I have been wanting to write songs but I can't because I broke my guitar. I only have a bunch of lyrics. Wait Jack has a guitar so I called him.

Hey Shawn

Hey do you happen to have a guitar I can borrow?

Yeah. But what happened to yours.

It- uh it had an accident.

You smashed it didn't you?



I was really upset.

Oh was if because of Ale-

Yeah. It was that night.

Oh well come over to pick a guitar out I have three.

Okay. I'll give it back when I have money to get a new one.

Alright bye.


I hope I don't see Alex there. I drove to Jack's house and knocked. Someone opened it. Alex.

"Shawn I don't want to talk to you" she said closing the door but I pushed it back open.

"I'm here to see Jack not you" I said maybe a little to harsh than what it was meant to be since she looked a little hurt.

"Jack! Your bitchy friend is back!" She yelled.

"Really?" I said rudely.

"Yeah really" she said giving me a fake smile.

"Hey Shawn" Jack said coming to the door.

"Wassup" I said giving him a bro hug. I saw Alex walk back to the living and sat down beside Nate. They were playing FIFA 2015. I tensed up at the sight of them together.

"Shawn? Come on!" Jack said.

"Oh yeah sorry" I said following him upstairs.

"So pick a guitar" Jack told me.

"I'll take this one" I said grabbing a regular brown guitar. "I'll try to return it soon, and I promise I won't smash this one"

"It's fine" Jack said "hey are yo-" but Jack was cut off by one Alex's screams. We ran downstairs and saw Alex hitting Nate with a cushion.

"What happened!?" Jack yelled pulling Alex from Nate.

"What? Nothing. Nate had just cheated on the game so I got mad and started hitting him with the cushion" Alex said laughing a little.

"Well damn, you don't have to scream" Jack said.

"Sorry" She said.

"And I did not cheat, I told you I'm better than you" Nate told Alex.

"Yeah right" Alex said, punching him lightly and he pulled her into a hug.

"Well I have to go, my mom is calling, see you guys later" Nate said grabbing his coat.

"I'll walk you out" Jack told him. Great it's just Alex and I.

"So- uh how are you?" I asked.

"Great" she said with no emotion.


"Please stop, I don't want to talk to you anymore Shawn" she said.

"Why! What the fuck did I do to you!? I don't understand Alex! Why did you just break up with me from one day to another!? But if this is how you want it to be fine! I won't fucking talk to you anymore, you are just a stuck- up brat and a bitch!" I yelled at her. She looked really hurt. I saw tears form in her eyes.

"Fuck you Shawn! Fuck you! Stay the fuck away from me!" She yelled back at me as she pushed me back.

"Gladly!" I yelled, grabbing the guitar and walking out to my car. I don't even feel hurt, or pain, I'm just so pissed.

I went home and up to my room. I got one of the songs I wrote called 'Never Let Me Go'

Making my way down this road,
Feel the chill to the road,
And I can barely see the lights,
Wonder if she'll be here tonight.

When I see her in my dreams,
There's flowers blooming these are the tree's,
Been searching for so long, yeah,
I think it's bout time that I found this girl.

And if you come with me,
Promise you'll never leave,
I'm never gonna let you gooo.

Let me take you home,
I'll be the one you want,
You'll never wanna see me gooo.

Life will pass you by so quick,
I didn't know it but my line is growing thick,
And now I think I found the one, yeah,
That I've been searching for so long.

And if you come with me,
Promise you'll never leave,
I'm never gonna let you gooo.

Let me take you home,
I'll be the one you want,
You'll never wanna see me gooo.


I got cut off by my phone ringing. It was my mom.

Hey mom

Hey sweetie, I heard what happened you okay?

Well I'm not sure. I smashed my guitar.

Shawn! Why would you do that?

Because mom I was really upset. She won't tell me why she broke up with me, but she's obviously really sad about, she tears up every time I see her.

That's weird. Maybe she regrets losing you?

I don't know mom. Alex is usually very sure with her choices.

Well I hope you feel better honey, bye.

Bye mom.


I can't believe Shawn called me a stuck- up brat and a bitch. I am neither of those things. I'm so mad yet so hurt.

"Alex, you have a soccer game tomorrow?" Jack asked as he came in the room.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you sorry" I said.

"What time?" He asked.

"It starts at twelve, but I need to be there at eleven-thirty" I said.

"Damn. I can't take you, the guys and I are gonna hang out tomorrow at that time." He said.

"It's fine, I'll ask the twins to pick me up." I said sadly because no one was going to my game.

"Okay, good luck" he said giving me a hug.

"Thanks" I said giving him a small smile.

I went back to watching Jane the Virgin. I'm at the part where Jane thinks she wants to be with Rafael, no!

"Alex honey?" Emily said coming in.

"What?" I said.

"Dress shopping tomorrow at one okay?" She said.

"Okay" I said but then remembered about my soccer game. "Wait, is it fine if I'm a few minutes late?" I asked her.

"Why?" She asked.

"I have a soccer game at twelve" I said.

"Just don't be too late" she said. I nodded and pressed play on Jane the Virgin.

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