7: Party.

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"Alex, we are leaving at 6 for the party, so you should start getting ready" Jack told me.

"It's only 4" I said.

"Yeah, but don't you girls take forever?" He asked.

"I don't, I can start getting ready at 5, I already know what I'm wearing" I said.

"Okay" he said chuckling.

"So are you and Shawn going as dates?" Johnson asked me.

"Nooo" I said. "We are just friends"

"Are you at least dressing hot for him" Johnson said.

"That's what I said" Jack added laughing.

"You guys are annoying" I said playfully rolling my eyes.


"Alex! This is why I told you to get ready earlier!" Jack yelled at me.

"I am ready!" I yelled as I ran downstairs with my shoes in my hand.

"You haven't even put your shoes on!" Jack said

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"You haven't even put your shoes on!" Jack said.

"Only because I'm not running downstairs with heels on" I said sitting on the floor to put my shoes on.

"Hurry up, we still need to pick up Nate and Sammy" Jack said.

"Are you for real?" I said getting up.

"I know you guys aren't getting along that well, but he's still my bestfriend. I'm sorry" Jack said to me.

"It's fine, I'll talk to him on the way there" I said.

We got in the car and picked up Sammy. We then drove to Nate's house. Jack beeped the horn and he came out. He looked cute.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Hey" he whispered.

"So I think we need to talk" I said.

"Yes we do" he said.

"Things haven't been working out lately, so I think it's best that we break up" I said.

"I know, and I'm really sorry for being a huge jerk to you, I just didn't like you like that anymore" he said to me.

"Ouch okay, it's fine though" I told him.

"Okay we're here" Johnson said.

"Yo! I brought weed by the way!" Nate shouted.

"I did too!" Sammy yelled.

I don't know if I should feel comfortable or not. We got out the car and into the house. It was already a mess and it's only 6:58. We walked over to all the guys.

"Hey Bestie" Matt said putting his arm on my shoulders.

"Hello" I said.

"You wanna drink?" He asked me.

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