28: Don't Be Cold Hearted.

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I woke up with Shawn's arms around me. I looked up at him and he looked so peaceful sleeping. I pecked his lips and he slowly opened his lips. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Go back to sleep" he said closing his eyes.

"Shawn, we gotta go to Matt's house" I said wining.

"Babe" he wined back. "I wanna sleep"

"Shawn come on!" I said sitting on his lap.

"Woah" he said opening his eyes and looking up at me.

"Are you awake now?" I asked. He obviously was because I could feel his little friend and I did not expect that.

"Not really, wake me up more" he said smirking while closing his eyes. I was not going to seduce him awake. I did the first thing that came to my mind and I slapped him.

"Ow Alex! What the fuck!" He yelled sitting up and bumping foreheads with me.

"Ow!" We both yelled at the same time. I rubbed my head and laughed. "Well you're awake now"

"Shut up" he said kissing me.

"Come on Shawn! I need to go home and change." I said getting up and pulling his arm.

"Damn you're hot" he said making me blush. He pulled me towards him and hugged me, but since I'm short his head was basically in between my boobs, he squeezed me harder and then finally let go. "Let me change right quick" he walked to his closet and I smacked his butt.

"Payback" I smirked and then started laughing. He laughed and went to change. I grabbed my clothes from yesterday and put it back on.

"Okay let's go" he said grabbing my hand and walked to his car with Blaze following. We drove to my house and i ran upstairs to my room and changed.

I threw my hair in a messy bun, fixed my makeup and put on my grey uggs

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I threw my hair in a messy bun, fixed my makeup and put on my grey uggs.

"Okay I'm ready, will you help me take all the presents down to your car?" I told Shawn. He nodded and got up from my bed to grab a few bags. I grabbed the rest and Blaze and walked downstairs to Shawn's car. We got in and drove down to Matt's house. He has the biggest living room so we decided to go there.

"Bestie!" Matt yelled running to the car as I opened the door.

"Wassup!" I said hugging him.

"Nothing much! Is this Blaze!" He said grabbing Blaze and petting him. I smiled and went to grab the bags from the car with Shawn. He took out his bags too and we put them in Matt's living room with the other presents around the Christmas tree. We waited for the rest of the guys to show up and then opened the presents. Jack and Madison were the last ones to show up.

"Hey Alex" Jack said looking down at me.

"Hi" I said giving him a small smile. Things between Jack and I are so damn awkward, like he doesn't act like himself anymore and he knows that.

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