22: Can We Get A Dog?

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I got woken up by someone pulling by blanket off.

"What the hell do you want!" I yelled at them as I sat up and saw Emily.

"You're going to be late to school" she told me.

"What time is it?" I asked

"7:24am" she said.

"Ugh okay" I said going to the bathroom. I used it and changed my pad. I hate my period, i know I'm always bitchy but I'm so much worse or I can be the happiest person on earth. I walked to my closet and just changed into something comfortable.

I finished changing and sat on my bed to put my shoes on

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I finished changing and sat on my bed to put my shoes on. I just brushed my hair and put on a little mascara. I grabbed my phone and I had no text messages from Shawn. That's weird. I went downstairs and didn't see Jack or Johnson. I walked back upstairs into Jack's room and saw him sleeping all over his bed, him drooling.

"Jack!" I exclaimed jumping on him.

"What?" He mumbled.

"Why aren't you up? Emily woke me up saying that I was going to be late for school" I said.

"It's teacher work day today" he said pushing me off him.

"You're telling me I got ready for nothing?" I asked.

"Well, the guys and I are gonna go hang out at Cameron's if you wanna come." Jack said.

"Okay when?" I asked.

"Like at 8am" he mumbled.

I groaned. "Okay" I grabbed his blanket and laid beside him. All of a sudden Jack turned around and slapped me in the face with his arm. "What the hell Jack?"

"Sorry! I do that when I sleep" he said laughing. "Hey I have a question."


"Do my armpits stink?" He asked putting his armpit in my face.

"Jack! Get off! Jack Gilinsky! Get the fuck off! Oh god. You need to shower! Ew ew!" I yelled at him but he wouldn't get off. He just kept laughing.

"So how are you and Shawn?" He asked once he calmed down.

"Great really. I'm so happy" I said smiling.

"I can tell, I'm happy for you" he told me.

"Thanks" I said.

"I'm gonna change so we can pick up Johnson and go to Cameron's house" he said getting up.

"You need to work out, look at your fat belly!" I exclaimed as I poked his stomach.

"Shut up! It's not like you got a 6-pack!" He said pushing my arm back.

"Yes I do actually!" I pulled up my shirt. "See it's just hiding under all this fat" I said laughing.

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