31: Many Surprises.

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I woke up feeling better, I went to pee then sat beside Johnson who was watching the news on tv.

"And now, everyone's favorite breakout artist, Shawn Mendes, was sneaking around with Fifth Harmony's, Camila Cabello. Camila grabbing onto Shawn, and he doesn't seem to mind, look at that smile. Could this be a new couple alert? Are Shawn and Alexandra over? Because they haven't been together lately. Tweet us what you think." The lady on the news said. I had tears in my eyes.

"Alex, are you okay?" Johnson asked looking at me. I blinked back my tears and put a smile on my face.

"What? You kidding? I'm great! I'm excited for your concert, are we almost there?" I asked trying to sound happy but my voice cracked.

"Alex yo-"

"No, please, I don't want to think about that anymore, but are we almost there?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but we're about an hour early, I don't know if you wanna go somewhere.

"Let's just go walk around" I said. "I'm gonna change" I walked to my suitcase and picked my outfit and shoes. I really don't feel like dressing nice, just comfy.

 I put on a black romper-like thing and my white converse, I fixed my makeup from yesterday and put some Chapstick on

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I put on a black romper-like thing and my white converse, I fixed my makeup from yesterday and put some Chapstick on.

"Johnson! You wanna French braid my hair?" I asked him.

"I'll do it if you would like" Emily said.

"Sure" I said sitting in front of her, I gave her my brush and a hair tie. She finished in about 15 minutes. "Wow you have a lot of hair" she added as he put the hair tie.

"Yeah, thanks!" I said giving her a hug.

"You're welcome" she smiled at me.

I put some hairspray on my hair and grabbed my phone, I had 3 missed calls from Shawn, but I'm not trying to call him back right now. I walked out the bus following Johnson when I got a message.

ShawnBabe💗: alex, answer me please

I just didn't open the message. Johnson and I walked into a smoothie place. I got a strawberry smoothie and Johnson got a mango one.

"This is really good" I told Johnson as I swallowed my smoothie.

"It is bro" he said with his mouth full of his mango smoothie some fell out when he talked.

"Ew Johnson!" I said laughing.

"Shit I stained my shirt" he said reaching for a napkin.

"Here" I said cleaning his shirt.

"Thanks" he said as he gave me a hug.

"You're welcome" I smiled at him and then we walked out and saw a shitload of paparazzi.

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