18: Soccer Game.

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I woke up to someone pulling my blanket off my face. The only way I can fall asleep is with a blanket covering all or some of my face.

"Stop" I groaned holding the blanket closer.

"You're gonna be late to your game" Jack said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Eleven" he said.

"What!" I yelled falling off the bed and running to my closet to grab my uniform.

"I'm just kidding it's 10:25am" Jack said.

"Screw you" I said putting my stuff on my bed.

"Well, I made you a smoothie downstairs, since I know you don't like to eat a lot before a game." Jack told me.

"Thanks, I'm gonna change" I said.

I walked into the bathroom to pee then I came back out to change. I decided to put on my long sleeve jersey instead of the short sleeve one. I put on my shorts and my socks. I'm number 27 because that's when my birthday is, March 27, 1998. I went to my bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail. It's kind of curly right now because I haven't straighten it. I grabbed a blue head band that goes with my uniform and put it on. I took off my earrings and the ring that my mom gave me and put it in my wristlet bag with my phone and cash. I grabbed my shinguards and cleats and went downstairs to the kitchen. I quickly drank my smoothie when there was a honk outside. It's the twins.

"Bye guys!" I yelled as I walked out.

"Don't forget about the dress shopping!" Emily yelled back. I threw her a thumbs up and got in the twins' car.

"Hey guys!" I said as I put on my shinguards.

"Hey" Ethan said as he pulled out the driveway.

"How are you and Shawn?" Grayson asked. Shawn. I haven't thought about him all day.

"Oh-uh you know, we broke up" I said looking down.

"What!" They yelled at the same time.

"Why?" Ethan said looking at me through the mirror.

"My dad made me" I said.

"Oh, that really sucks, I'm sure you guys will work it out" Grayson said.

"Yeah I don't think so" I said. They both gave me confused looks.

"I told him to stay away from me and he called me a stuck-up brat and a bitch, so then I told him to fuck off" I said tying my shoes.

"Oh well, I don't know" Grayson said.

"It's fine. All I gotta worry about now is this soccer game" I said as we parked.

"You got this, we'll be in the bleachers cheering you on!" Ethan said.

"Alright see you guys!" I said running to the field.

"Cmon one time around half field!"'I yelled as I started running. It's pretty cool to be captain.

When we finished running the goalie and defense got into their position, us the offense got into our starting positions to pass the ball around and take some shots. We did that a few times then we practiced a few corner kicks, penalties and foul kicks.

BEEP ! "Captains" called the refs. I jogged over to the refs with Mary, the co captain, while the rest of the team kept practicing. We ended up getting ball second half and got the side we were practicing on first. We jogged over to my team and let them know. We got into our positions which I play center forward, so I basically play all over the field, and Lexi plays right forward she always stays up. Like on foul kicks she doesn't have to go back to defend the goal. We got into our starting positions and with that the game started.

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