32: Are You Sure You're Okay?

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I woke up feeling extremely nauseous, I got up and walked to the bathroom, but someone was in there.

"Hey, I need to use the bathroom" I banged on the door.

"Madison's in there" Jack told me.

"I'm so-" I cut my self off because I felt like I was about to hurl. "I-" I held my head because I suddenly felt dizzy.

"Alex? Are you okay?" Jack asked me. I tried to say yes but everything went black.


"Alex? Are you okay?" I asked her. She started shaking her head yes but fainted.

"Alex! Oh god! Johnson! Wake up!" I yelled and Johnson shot his head up.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I don't know, Alex, just-just fainted" I told him as I held Alex.

"Dude, we won't be able to stop at a hospital, let's lay her down, and wait for her to wake up" he told me. I nodded and carried her to her bunk bed and laid her down.

"Should we call Shawn to let him know?" I asked Johnson.

"He's probably busy with Camila" Madison told us.

"Shawn's not cheating" Johnson told Madison.

"I didn't say that" she said smirking.

"Then what are you saying?" Johnson asked her.

"That, he easily could"

"But he won't"

"You never know"

"I'm just gonna call Shawn" I told them. I dialed his number and he answered on the third ring.


Hey Shawn.

Wassup bro

I just wanted to let you know that Alex fainted and we don't know why, she just woke up and tried to use the bathroom and fainted. But we can't stop at the hospital so we just laid her down and see what happens, I just thought it was a good idea to let you know.

Oh god, what's your next stop?

LA. We'll be there later.

I'll be there tomorrow.

You don't have to come, she'll be fine I promise.

No, I'm having my concert on Wednesday, I'll just go tomorrow, and I'm staying in LA until next Wednesday anyways.

Really? We are too! We're gonna take a small break and hang with the guys.

Okay, don't tell Alex I wanna surprise her and let me know when she wakes up.

Okay I will bye


I hung up and went to watch tv.

"Alex and Johnson sure have gotten closer don't you think? These pictures can prove it. Is she trying to get back at Shawn because he was with Camila? Maybe they are done and have new relationships. Tweet us what you think" the lady on the screen said.

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