5: Detention.

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After telling Molly everything, I felt a little better, other than the fact that I need to choose between Shawn or Nate but I can't talk to any of the guys. Molly told me to follow my heart, even if it meant to not listen to dad. Jack offered me a ride but I told him I would walk, I feel like Jack and I have separated a little.

I walked to school and as soon as I entered the school everyone started staring at me and whispering. I really don't care, I'm just going to get through the day. I went to my locker and sorted my stuff. I have health class instead of gym today so I grabbed my History books and my health note book, then I started walking to history. On my way there I saw Shawn, Matt, Taylor, Nash and Carter walking together in front of me. I accidentally stepped on the back of Shawn's shoe.

"I'm sorry!" I said to him. He just looked at me, I could see through this eyes. He looked pissed but after looking at me for a while, he looked sad. We went into class and took our seats. I felt Shawn's stare but I didn't want to look up. I just played with a piece of my hair and looked down. The bell rung and I slowly got up and walked to health class. I went in there and sat beside Hannah.

"Hey, how you doing?" She asked.

"I've been better" I said giving her a small smile. All the guys walked into class and sat down. I made eye contact with Shawn but I immediately looked away. I then made eye contact with Nate, he didn't even smile or wink like he usually would. I wanted to cry, just burst into tears but I can't.


I think it would be really awkward to eat with the guys, so I decided to skip lunch and headed for the library. I went in there and grabbed an encyclopedia and just started reading through it. I have nothing better to do, so I might as well. I felt someone sit beside me but I didn't look up.

"Alex" he said. I looked up and saw Johnson.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I said.

"No you aren't" he said. "Talk to me"

"I can't" I said.

"You know you can trust me, I won't tell the guys" he said. It's true, I can trust Johnson I just don't wanna tell him because I will start crying. But I did it anyways I told him everything but I was holding all my tears in.

"I'm really sorry for getting you detention" I said.

"It's not the first time Alex" he said chuckling.

"I know but, I just feel really bad" I said.

"It's okay, lets get to class now" he said as the bell rung.

//after school.

I walked into the class where we are having detention and sat all the way in the back. Then all the guys came in and sat in the middle, which meant Nate sat in front of me. I just pulled my sleeves down to cover my hand because they were cold. They get cold when I get nervous.

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