We Are An Unhappy World

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      I am going to be in New York for 2 and a half weeks for the filming of Fan Girl. I'm leaving tomorrow, but I'm not even packed. Not one thing is in my suitcases. I just don't know what to wear because I want to look nice, but not too nice. Someone knocks on the door. I run downstairs to answer it. Anything to get me away from packing. I look through the security cameras to see who it is. To my surprise, it's Chrissy. I open the door. 

"Hey, I just thought I'd come over to see how the packing's going."

"Not so well. I want to look nice, but not too nice."

"Why don't you just wear a bunch of Adidas crap like your mom does."

"Because that's what my mom does. I don't want to steal her idea."

"Just pick stuff out."

"There's too much stuff to pick from."

"Where that one shirt with all the holes in it."


     I have to be at the airport soon or I'll miss my flight

"Be safe, baby."

"I will, mom."

"Make sure to call me when you land."

"Okay, I will." Chrissy drives me to the airport and before I get out of her car, she kisses me on the lips

"I'm gonna miss you." 

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"I'll make sure to call you on your birthday." I give her one last kiss before I get out of her car. I grab my suitcases out of the trunk and walk into the airport. When I get on the plane, I sit down in my seat, in the very front. Two people sit in the seats behind me and one of them whispers

"I told you it was a good idea to buy these seats instead of the other ones you were going ."

"Why's that?"

"Samie Hudson is sitting in front of us."

"She isn't flying private."

"I guess not. Probably going somewhere by herself."

"You'd think she'd still have enough money to fly private because she's still famous and all."

"I guess not."

"You know, I can hear you, right." They start to talk about something else. After we take off, I get out my phone and text my aunt

Me: hows my baby

Aunt Ang: shes doin good Sleepin rn

Me: thats good Tell me if anything goes wrong

Aunt Ang: Calm down Relax U can trust me Shes goin 2 b just fine

Me: ok but still txt me if anything does go wrong

Aunt Ang: Ok now relax Im not answerin anymore of ur txts

Me: fine

I plug my phone in to charge because it's only at 10%. 


     I have been watching TV when a flight attendant walks up to me. She asks me if I want anything to eat

"Yeah, I'll have the beef filet with lobster mac and cheese and the romaine and kale salad."

"Okay, it will be ready in a couple of minutes. In the meantime, what do you want to drink?"

"A water, please." About a minute later, she comes back with my drink.

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