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l am woke up by Armando, my personal trainer, sitting me down in a chair in the airport waiting room. 

"Armando, why didn't you just wake me up?" l ask

"l did try to wake you up; it wasn't working," he says

"Oh, come on. You must of not been trying that hard," l say

"Oh, no. l was trying really hard," he says. All of the semi trucks aren't here yet so we aren't going to leave yet. 

"Okay, but l bet you could have tried harder," l say as l get up to go help them. l get my suitcase with all of my shoes in it. l walk over to the tour bus and give the suitcase to Armando because he is putting the stuff away

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, be careful with this one, it has your babies in it," he says mockingly

"You know me so well," l say as l walk away and pretend that l am walking to the bathroom so l don't have to carry anything else. The only other thing l will carry is my Firework outfit, but they know that l always carry it onto the tour bus so they will leave it in the plane. Once l think they are almost done, l walk out of the bathroom to Tamra getting my Firework outfit out of the plane. l run to her and snatch the outfit out of her hands.

"You know that l always carry this outfit to the tour bus," l say

"l was just kidding. l wasn't actually going to carry it onto the tour bus," she says

"l don't care," l say as l climb into the tour bus. All of the semi trucks are here so we are going to go to the stadium and get everything situated then have a few run-throughs. There is one part of the run-throughs that really tricks me. l hadn't realized it until the third time we went through everything. The time skips about 3 minutes.

"Hey, Baz. What's up with the time skipping like 3 minutes?" l ask. Baz is the director of the whole thing

"Oh, there is a surprise during that time," he says

"What is it?" l ask

"lt wouldn't be that much of a surprise if l told you what it is," he says back

l cross my arms and yell out "Rj!!!!" He is the co-director/choreographer

"What, darling? he says as he comes up behind me

"What is this surprise that is going to happen that is taking up like 3 minutes?" l ask

"l'm sorry, darling, but l can't tell you," he says

"Fine, if no one will tell me, l will figure it out myself," l say as l sit down in one of the stadium seats.

    So, before the surprise, l sing Pearl and Not Like The Movies. After the surprise, l sing This Moment, Double Rainbow, and Lost. All of those songs have to have something in common for them to be positioned like that. Well, l wrote Pearl when l broke up with one of my boyfriends and when Samie told me that l am unstoppable because l have a family that has my back. l wrote Not Like The Movies because Samie said that she can't wait until she finds that perfect Prince Charming and that it will all just be like in the movies. l wrote This Moment because l realized that l wanted to adopt Samie as my own child and l told my mom after realizing that all l have is this moment. l wrote Double Rainbow because Samie and l see eye to eye. We always agree with everything and l want to keep her forever. Lastly, l wrote Lost because l felt lost moving to L.A. l'm not too sure why l sing Lost. lt  doesn't fit with the other songs besides that they are all emotional.

"lt has to do with Samie," l yell out as l stand up

"You still don't know what about Samie that it is," says Baz

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