Mick Jagger #1

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Imagine Mick bringing you along to the band's rehearsal

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Imagine Mick bringing you along to the band's rehearsal. He was in a particularly good mood that day which you were happy to see. He was smiling the entire time he was up on the stage, singing and dancing around like a maniac. He would dance over to you and spin you around every now and then. He wrapped the cord to the mic around you during the guitar solo and brought you closer to him.

"You are quite the distraction, you know that," he whispered in a low, husky voice as he kissed your jawline.

"Mick," you said, blushing not only from the way his voice sounded and his lips on your skin, but because the rest of the guys were watching the two of you with smirks.

He kissed your nose and unwrapped the mic cord from you, "Wait one moment, love," he said as he jogged over to the boys.

He spoke to them for a few moments then began to walk back to you with a familiar sly look.

"You're comin' with me," he said, wrapping his around around your waist and pulling you along with him.

"Where are we going?" You asked confused, the rehearsal still had a few hours left.

"Somewhere where I can finally be alone with you," he said as he lifted up your arm and placed kisses along it as he walked.

"Mick, we live together, we have tonight-"

"I need you now."

He stopped walking and pinned you against a wall, lifting your legs so you could wrap them around his waist.

"Mick," you sighed as you lifted your head up so he could properly kiss on your neck.

"God, you don't know how much I want you all the time," he breathed against you, stopping to meet your eyes.

His had that familiar dazed look about them, and it drove you absolutely crazy. You grabbed his face and pulled him to you, kissing him as hard as you could. He moaned as you tugged on his bottom lip, deepening the kiss as you did. His grip tightened on your thighs as he pressed himself closer to you. You felt high with him. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging at it, begging for more. You felt him smirk against your lips before he slowed the kiss and pulled away to lean his forehead on yours.

"You in quite a hurry now, aren't you?"

"Don't tease me, Mick," you whined, playfully hitting him on the chest before you went back to his lips.

He put a finger up to stop you, "But it's just too much fun, darling,"  he whispered.

You groaned which made him let out a laugh and he smiled that brilliant smile of his.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop. But only if you ask nicely," he said with a wink.

You smirked as you leaned in so you could brush your lips against his, "Please, Mick?" You whispered in the most seductive voice you could manage.

His breath faltered a little bit as you began to move your hands downward.

"Ask me one more time," he said, his lips moving against yours as the words left his mouth.

"I'm not asking anymore, I'm telling you."

And he couldn't help but do what he was told.

hope you liked this Mick Jagger imagine😏
Remember to leave requests for who you want next!

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