The Who Preferences

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I'm going to be doing more of these preference thingy's so if you guys wanna request bands, prompts, etc. go for it! I have quite a bit of fun writing these :)
Anyway! Here we go!

How they tell you they've got a bit of a crush🙈

Roger - He sat across the room from you, watching with a smile as you hung your new poster on your wall.
"How's that?" You asked as you placed your hands on your hips and studied your handy work.
He stood up and walked over to stand next to you, "Lovely," he said, but he now focused his attention on you.
"What?" You giggled as his blue eyes swept admiringly over your face.
He shook his head and you noticed he was blushing, "I uhm," he coughed and made himself look away, "it's nothing."
"Roger," you said teasingly as you nudged him, "come on, tell me, what's going on?"
He let out a laugh and nervously scratched the back of his head, "Its you."
You felt your heart fill with nervous excitement as his eyes met yours, waiting for you to put two and two together.
"Me?" You said softly.
"Mmhm," he nodded quietly, his eyes glimmering as they moved over your now blushing face.
"What about me?" You said, a smile spreading across your face.
He moved a little closer and his fingers softly brushed yours, "Everything," he whispered.
You felt your heart fluttering as he hesitantly leaned in, his eyes staying with yours to make sure it was okay. Once he realized you were leaning in too, his eyes flickered to your lips just before his collided with them.

Keith - You slammed back a shot, earning impressed cheers from Pete, John, Roger and Keith.
"Not bad, but you still can't out drink me, dearie," Keith said, throwing you a wink.
"You wanna bet?" You said confidently.
The boys all looked at each other with smiles, "Don't push yourself, (y/n)," Pete teased.
"Shut up," you laughed, "alright, let's do this."
John lined up a few shots in front of you and Keith, who sat across from each other.
"Alright," John said with that little smirk of his, "whoever finishes their shots fastest will be our winner for tonight."
"Deal," you and Keith both said as you stared at each other with competitive gazes.
"3, 2," John started counting, "1, go!"
You and Keith began, throwing each shot back and trying your best not to laugh when it stung the back of your throat.
"My God, she's actually beating him," Pete said with an impressed smile as he watched you down your last shot in seconds.
You slammed the little glass down on the table and wiped your mouth, "Told you I'd win, Moonie," you said with a smirk.
"It was cause I couldn't stop laughing," he said with a laugh.
"Keep telling yourself that," you teased.
He leaned back in his seat and shook his head with a smile, "I bloody love you, (y/n)," he said.
You felt your face turn red as the boys started teasing both of you, "Oh, you love me?"
He nodded confidently as he rocked back and forth in his chair, "More or less," he teased.
You shook your head and laughed, "I guess you're alright too," you said, smiling when you saw him blush.
"We'll leave you two alone then," Roger said as he dragged Pete and John out of the little hotel room.
Keith looked back at you with a smirk, "So I'm just alright?"
You chuckled, "Shut up, Keith, you know I'm crazy about you," you said as you shyly looked down.
You heard him scoot out his chair and he walked towards you. He gently lifted your chin so you'd look up at him. A smile curved onto his lips as his thumb gently brushed your skin.
"I'm crazy about you too," he whispered before he leaned down and met your lips.

John - "You're so quiet," you teased as you looked over at John, who was silently seated next to you, playing with a leave that had fallen on his lap.
You were both seated on the roof of your house, watching the peaceful night sky.
A shy smile spread across his face and he let out a little laugh, "Aren't I always?"
"Well, yeah," you said playfully nudging him, "but, you're more quiet than usual, you know?"
His eyes still focused on the little leaf in his hands, "I suppose you're right," he said softly.
Your brow furrowed as you watched him. He looked a bit sad.
He looked up at you to see your expression and he chuckled, "What?"
"Tell me," you whined making him playfully roll his eyes.
"Alright, alright, we'll do this," he said as he shifted to face you, "you guess."
"Johnnn," you whined.
He held up a finger and shushed you, trying not to laugh at your pouty expression, "It'll be fun."
"Fine," you said with a little smile, "is it about someone?"
He tilted his head from side to side and then nodded.
"Okay," you said, "is it a girl?" You teased.
He raised his eyebrows and let out a little laugh, "Yes," he said.
You noticed him blushing and it made you smile, he was always so shy.
"Tell me about her," you said softly, genuinely interested to hear about who he'd fallen for.
He picked up a stick and nervously started drawing little circles on the roof, "Well," he started quietly, "she's just about the funniest person I know."
"She can't be funnier than me," you teased.
He shook his head and laughed before he continued, "She's kind, beautiful, talented," he looked up at you and trailed off, getting lost in your gaze.
A soft smile tugged at your lips as you listened to him and watched his gaze, "She sounds wonderful."
"She is," he replied, staying with your eyes, "she's my best friend too."
You felt your stomach twist into happy knots as you looked into his blue eyes.
"Have you guess it yet?" He asked softly, his eyes flickering to your lips for a second.
You nodded, "I think so," you whispered as a sweet smile spread across your face, "do you wanna know a secret?"
He began to smile as he nodded.
"I think you're all those wonderful things too," you said softly.
The happiest look painted his face as he reached his hand up to hold your face while he finally got to kiss you.

Pete - "So will you still talk to me when you're famous?" You teased while Pete quietly strummed his guitar.
A smile spread across his face and he shook his head with a laugh, "(Y/n), you are the silliest girl I've ever met," he said as you gave him a cheeky grin, "of course I'll still talk to you."
"Promise?" You said, holding out your pinky.
He leaned over and intertwined his with yours, squeezing tightly as he happily said, "I promise."
His hand lingered on yours as you both shyly studied each other. He couldn't stop his eyes from flickering to your lips and then he blushed furiously.
"Sorry," he said as he shook his head and took his hand away.
He went back to his guitar, glancing up at you momentarily to see you were watching him with a smile. He playfully narrowed his eyes at you.
"What are you staring at?" He asked.
"You're blushing."
"I am not!" He said as he jumped up, making you burst out laughing.
"Come on, Pete, you so are," you teased as you stood up with him, making him even more flustered as he set his guitar down.
He bit his bottom lip as he thought.
"Alright, so what if I am?" He said, his gaze intent on you.
You now felt your face heating up as you looked up at him where he stood, which was quite close to you now.
A smirk painted his face as he saw your rosy cheeks, "Now you're blushing," he said softly.
You felt tension building between both of you now as his hands were just barely touching yours. Your eyes glanced to his lips which were only a short distance away from yours while your fingers began to tangle with his.
"So what if I am?" You whispered.
He let out that little laugh of his before he happily closed the distance between the two of you.

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