Task Five: Your Tribute and the Sorcerer's Words

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The level of frustration Paella Andouille was experiencing was unlike no other.

Finally, she and Pluto had managed to agree on a book both of them had read. But after so many times where they had accidentally killed more tributes than needed, Paella couldn't help but wonder if her games would come to an early end. She couldn't help but wonder if she would come to an early end. After all, she did just about everything- Pluto was on a goddamn vacation, for goodness sake! Where was her person to shout at? Where were the ideas she could shoot down? Where was the censor that destroyed anything stupid she suggested? Honestly, she was a flop on her own.

The room felt empty. She was alone. Running everything herself was not giving her the thrill, the confidence, the pride that Paella had expected it to. It was not magical, not nearly as extraordinary. She simply felt the precariousness of the position more than ever before, couldn't help that she was intimidated by the hawk-like eyes of the President as he surveyed the room, silently observing the young woman's behaviors.

One Gamemaker would die along with this year's tributes, she knew. An execution would come, and either her or Pluto would be chosen to continue in the profession. The end of it all inhabited her nightmares, sent chills crawling up her spine each time the Gamemaker saw Necare.

She was scared.

But of course, Paella would never admit to anything of the sort.



Welcome to Task Five! Maybe this will be our first eliminatory task? I'm really hoping that we aren't giving free passes to the Quarterfinals of our games. That would be kind of pathetic.

Anyways, the time has come for us to go a little more modern. Because the transition between Middle Earth and our next world is a little shifty, feel free to leave it out. If you have a burning desire to include something concerning your tribute's relocation, they could perhaps wander back up to the house and exit through that door, or maybe just wander off into the surrounding landscape and suddenly find themselves somewhere else altogether.

Moving on. Your tribute has a number of options this round, but no matter what, they will be fighting to reach the same thing. Each of you will be facing one of the obstacles surrounding the sorcerer's stone, though your tribute won't actually encounter the stone.

If you haven't guessed already, welcome, tributes, to Hogwarts.

For those of you who haven't read the first book in the Harry Potter series, the protagonist faced a total of seven obstacles to reach the precious stone. However, you will only be facing two. These spots will require a reservation- first come, first serve. All of you will be facing the seventh, two of you the first through sixth, with the exception of one (see Katelyn "Kate" Dodger's sponsor perk).



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