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"Shit Shit Shit", I said aloud. I wasn't much of a curser but this was a situation where it was kind of inevitable.

"Just go inside and ask who's car it is", Lee said calmly. I looked at her grimly,"I know who's car it is."

"Who's?", she asked confused. I stared at her blankly until her realization set in. "No way ...", she said.

"Yeah", I said. I got out to check the damage. It wasnt bad or anything. Just a small dent in the bumper. Even though I didnt think it was horrendous damage, I wasn't a bad person and guilt would eat me alive if I didn't tell him and get the whole  report and insurance thing settled. That was if he wanted to go through that.

I sighed and pulled my car back into its spot. Lee and I then got out and headed into the restaurant.

"Hi how many?", the lady at the podium asked. I was slightly upset with the fact that as soon as we left everyone got seated.

"Uumm actually I need to speak to the gentleman over there. I kind of accidentally hit his car", I explained to her.

"Oh my, go right ahead dear", she said and moved aside for me and Lee to walk into the area where everyone was seated.

"Lee i'm scared", I said to her nervously as we made our way to the table.

"You'll be fine", she whispered.

"What if he hates me?", I whispered back.

"He wo-", she stopped talking as we reached the table.

Both he and his friend looked up from their menus. His eyes instantly locked on mine and I lost all control of my voice in a matter of milliseconds.

He smiled politely. "Any particular reason you standing here?", he asked. I snapped back into reality and chuckled.

"Oh um, sorry. You just have really nice eyes", I spurted out.

Damnit, did I really just say that? I am such an embarrassment.

He laughed,"Thank you love but I'm pretty sure thats not what you came over here for ? What's up?"

"Before I tell you just know that I am really really super duper truly sorry. I really am", I said and took a deep breath and he looked at me with a confused smile. I sighed,"I kind of bumped your car ...with my car .....I hit your car", I told him before rubbing my ear. It was a nervous habit of mine.

My heart hit my toes when his smile dropped and his facial expression became serious. I heard Lee let out a low "yikes" behind me as he rose from his seat and started his way out the door.

His friend sucked his teeth and rose to follow after him. I looked at Lee and we both went outside after them. I saw him and his friend looking at his car.

He sighed and rubbed his hands down his face. "What the fuck man?", he mumbled.

"I'm so sorry", I said again.

"I bet the fuck you are", he chuckled.

I scrunched my face in confusion.

"This the type of shit you hoes on now ? Hitting a nigga car to get his attention?", he said.

Did he really think I did this on purpose? "You think I did this on PURPOSE?", I asked getting angry.

"How else do you back smack dab into a car right behind you?"

"It was a mistake! I can't believe you think I'd damage your property to get your attention. Now we can file a report and settle this through insurance or I can pay to get it fixed."

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