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A/N: This is kind of a filler cause shit about to go down next chapter. So enjoy boo daddy Julian and Kareem:)))

Its been a few weeks since Julian acting weird at the bowling alley and he hadn't acted that way since.

There were a few times where he'd seem irritated but the weird phone calls and all of that stuff stopped, well at least around me.

I was currently at work cashiering and I was tired as hell. I was up all night with Julian trying to edit my first video for my Youtube channel. It was a skincare routine video and I was aching to get it up already.

We finished around 6am and I only got 2hrs of sleep before having to wake up to get ready to come here.

"KAREEEMMM!" I heard Katherine scream. Here we go....


"Why arent the shelves stocked?" she questioned with a grimace on her face.

"Miranda told me that you told her to do it", I explained.

"Miranda's on break. Why would she tell you that if she knew she was leaving?"

I sighed,"I dont know. I wouldnt be able to stock anyway if i'm on the register. Unless you put Carmen here, I cant do it right now." We were low on staff and there were only four of us here today. It was super hectic and It didnt make it better that Miranda kept disappearing.

"Go stock. I'll work the register" she said shooing me away and I moved quickly to the back to get the things that needed to be put on the shelves.

I made my way to the front of the store to begin when I saw something weird.

Romello and Miranda. Together. Holding hands. What the hell?

That had to be why he's been MIA all the time. He was dating her of all people. I totally understood it though, he was a bitch, she was a bitch. They belonged together.

I chuckled to myself as I saw them kiss and she made her way back into the store.

"Nice of you to return" I said with a fake smile.

"Whatever. What am I supposed to be doing?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Go ask Kat."

She scoffed and walked away and I watched her with a scowl on my face. She was irritating as hell.

Maybe Julian just sensed how irritating she was from the start and hated her as much as me.

I just blocked her out and continued working like I was supposed to.


When I finished up at work, I made my way to Julian's house and walked in the door. I had no idea why he didnt keep it locked.

I rolled my eyes at the fact that it wasnt and closed and locked it after me.

"Juliaaaaannnnnn!" I yelled entering the house. I got up to his bedroom and he was laid across his bed on his back sleeping. I quickly changed out of my work outfit and into a dress I had just laying on his dresser.

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