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Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

"She's a wonderful girl JuJuBee but do you trust her?", my mother said to me with a raised brow. I wasn't even sure how to answer her question. After all the terrible girls I went through, I could understand why she'd question this one.

"I do until she gives me a reason not to", I replied. I would hope that wasn't the case.

Kareem was an amazing girl and in my eyes the most beautiful one I've ever laid eyes on, but thanks to her ex dude if you told her that it would take her a while to believe you.

"Just be careful. I don't want to see you end up hurt. Miranda was a devil in a dress", she said. Miranda being the crazy stalker ass gold digging hoe.

"I hear you momma", I got up to kiss her cheek. I had class in about an hour so I had to start making my way to campus.

"Have a good day baby. I love you."

"Love you too ma. Bye."


I made it to campus in 20 minutes and gave myself a mental round of applause. That was a new record. I chuckled to myself and went to meet up with Romello over at the table we always chill at before class. I spotted him sitting eating a sandwich and sipping some OJ.

"Wassup", he said as we dapped each other up.

"Yoooo, my nigga I saw your girl this morning walking down the hallway smiling hard as fuck. You hit?", he asked.

"Yo chill on that", I warned. He was not about to talk about Kareem like she was just a hoe I was messing with.

"Just asking fam",he said with his hands up surrendered. "How you feel about ole girl?"

"I'm really feeling her", I confessed to him. I really was digging the hell out of Kareem but I was lowkey afraid of getting to the point of loving her. That was where the trust issues got me.

Even though I try to ignore it, in the back of my mind I still wonder if she's no different from all the other girls. What if she just had a good ass facade ? Time would tell. One thing I knew was, I'd be done if she fucked me over.

"I'ma catch you later I got a class bruh", I told Ro as I got up to go to class.

"Aight fam."

I started making my way to my class on the other side of campus when I saw a familiar head of copper hair.

I smiled. My baby was looking nice today, as always.

She had on high waisted ripped shorts, with a white t-shirt and some white high top chucks. She was rocking a vintage camo jacket on top.

Her hair was straight with a part down the middle and she had her face natural today. No makeup but I could tell she had got her lashes done and she had some lipgloss on.

She was looking down at her phone so I went up in front of her and snatched it. "Who you texting?"

Kareem Marie Landry

I was walking on my way to class and texting Lee when I felt my phone being snatched out of my hand.

"Who you texting?", I heard a familiar voice and recognized it as Julian. "None of your beeswax", I said trying to get it back from him. He looked at the screen and began to read,"Dear my most precious friend Aaliyah, my man looked so damn fine yesterday. Made my panties wetter than a glass of wate-"

"What? That is not what I said !", I laughed.

"That's what you wanted to say", he laughed handing me back my phone. "Wassup babygirl?", he said as he gave me a hug and a quick peck on the lips. I could feel stares on us but I tried as best as I could to ignore them.

"Nothing JuJu. Are you going to class?", I asked curiously.

"Yeah. Speaking of class, I gotta get you ready for your final next week", he reminded.

"Oh snap yeah, Come over after class."

He nodded but the whole time he was staring at something in the distance.

"Ju? Baby?", I said trying to get his attention but he just squinted his eyes and continued to stare. I turned around to see what he was looking at but just seen normal people walking to class.

"Julian .....", I trailed off and he snapped out of his trance. "Are you okay?"

He nodded,"Yeah, i'm straight. I'll see you after class." He quickly walked away with anger etched on his face. What the hell got him all fired up?

I decided to ignore it for now and make my way to my Biology Lab.

Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

I was livid.

What the fuck was she doing on campus ?

Miranda, also known as the crazy stalker ass gold digging hoe, who I also had a restraining order against, was on campus. Why ? After the whole breaking in my house thing she transferred to a different college so I had no idea why she was here.

I tried to ignore her as best as I could and walk to class as fast as possible. I was not about to have a run in with this hoe. It was not the time because if she came at me sideways there was no telling what would happen.

There was no way I could get to class without walking past her and I had a half a mind not to go but considering I missed it yesterday and two absences was a drop, I had no choice.

I sighed and made my way down the hall she was in.

"Julian?", I heard and rolled my eyes ignoring it. "JULIAN!", She ran after me and grabbed my arm. I yanked it back.

"Don't fucking touch me bruh. Why are you here ?", I asked her.

"I came to visit my friend", she smirked. "I miss you." This bitch was crazy.

"You insane yo get the fuck away from me."

"Julian I saw your girlfriend. The bitch is ugly."

Father deliver me please. I was really about to murk this bitch in the hallway. She grabbed me again.

"Get your fucking hands off me before I embarrass the fuck out of you in front of all these people. I swear to god. You got two seconds. One..." She released her grip on my arm and backed up and I made my way to my classroom and went inside.

Miranda had actually managed to ruin the fuck out of my day ....already. I could tell she wasn't going to let up either.

This was bad.

A/N: We finally get some POV action from boo daddy Julian. Vote Comment and alladat please :)

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