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For the past few weeks my parents have been constantly badgering me about visiting them.

Finals were over now and summer had started so I had no excuse anymore. I had passed every one with flying colors and even got a B on my Calculus exam thanks to Julian. Without his help I know I probably would have had to retake the class again.

I had told my parents I would come over for dinner so I was currently getting ready. I get dressed in a regular nude colored dress and some sandals. Pulled my hair out of its current bantu knots and did my makeup. Not that I had to look fancy or anything, I was just in the mood to try out some new shadows I bought.

I finished up and grabbed my bag to go.

The drive to their house was a good 30 minutes but I made it just in time.

"Kareem my baby !", my mom shouted embracing me in a hug. I loved my parents but I was not that excited to see them. Especially since I planned on breaking the news of my career plan change to them. They were going to raise hell I already knew.

"Hey momma", saying that automatically brought my mind to Julian. I missed him. Hadn't seen him all day.

I followed my mother into the kitchen where she fixed me a plate of Chicken, Rice, and Corn and we headed to the dining room to sit at the table. My dad was already seated doing a crossword puzzle.

"Hey daddy", I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He got on my nerves too but I could tolerate him more than my mother usually.

"Hey babygirl", He said with a smile.

"How did this semester treat you?", he asked as he began to dig into his food.

"It was actually great. I passed all of my exams", I made sure to throw in so they wouldn't ask me later.

"Good. We need you to be the best pharmacist there is", my mother added in. I gave a fake smile. How the hell could I be the best pharmacist there is ? Theres no pharmacy competition.

I sighed and brought up what i've been dreading bringing up forever. Now was the time,"Uuumm, actually I wanted to talk to you guys about that."

My mom stopped eating and looked at me with her eyebrow high as hell,"About what?"

"I want to change my major."

My father cleared his throat before he spoke,"Absolutely not."

"Why dad ? Why? Give me one good reason", I argued.

"He doesn't have to he's your father", my mother said sternly.

"I want an explanation. Why cant I do what I want as a career?"

"What do you have in mind ? That slop you smear on your face every morning ? I will not allow my daughter to become a failure because all she wants to do is paint faces for a living", my dad said and my mom nodded in agreement.

"We just want whats best for you", she added.

"Whats best for me is letting me live my life the way I want. There's girls out there stripping for a living and all I want is to change to a business major and its armageddon!", I yelled. At this point I was furious. They had to be kidding me.

"Lower your voice in my house", my mother warned as my phone chimed.

I looked down to see a message from Julian.

JuJu❤️: I fucking miss you yo. Bring dat ass over!

I chuckled and responded.

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