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I sat in my room waiting for Julian to get here. I couldnt lie. I was nervous. Maybe he wanted to hear me out now.

I wanted to be mad at him for not believing me in the first place but I was pretty much over it at this point and could honestly see why I was hard for him to.

A knock came to my door and I got up to go answer it. I opened it and let Julian in before closing the door.

I walked to my room and he followed behind sitting on my bed. I just stood because I wasnt sure how this was going to go.

He opened his mouth a few times like he wanted to say something but nothing came out. He finally sighed and spoke,"Tell me what happened."

"Now you want to know what happened?" I said angrily.

"Kareem calm down and please explain the situation to me aight? I'm sorry I blew you off before. I was just hurt man. I didnt mean to hurt you okay?" he said sincerely and I nodded before clearing my throat to speak.

"I went to the bathroom. Washed my hands and opened the door to leave. When I opened the door he was standing there and I asked him to move. He just kept standing there staring at me so I asked him if he was okay because he was being creepy. So I tried to move around him and he pushed me in the bathroom and closed the door. He literally forced himself on me but I couldnt push him off Ju he was way stronger than me and when I tried he pinned my hands on the wall. Thats when you walked in and he finally let me go", I explained to him.

He looked like he was ready to explode. His leg was shaking and he put his head in his hands.

He sat like that for a little while and I walked over putting my hands on his shoulders and he tensed up a bit before relaxing.

"Ju? Are you okay?" I whispered and he nodded before looking up at me.

"I'm straight I'm just fucking mad. I'm sorry mama. I should have listened to you when it happened" he said sounding regretful and I nodded in understanding.

"I love you Julian."

"I love you too mama."

He pulled me into a warm embrace before kissing my forehead and my lips. He smelled so good as always.

I smiled at the feeling of his lips on mine again. I missed him.

"I'll be back alright? I gotta go handle something real quick" he mumbled into my neck.

"Okay" I said sadly. I was kind of upset. We just made up and he's already dipping.

I walked him to the door and closed it behind him before walking back to my room with a smile on my face.

I had my man back.

Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

The only thing on my mind right now was fucking Romello up and that was on my grandma's grave.

I was about to kill this nigga. I pulled my phone out and texted Rocky and Justin in our group chat.

Me: If I end up in jail tonight dont be surprised.

Justin: Whoa what?

Rocky: Nigga you good?

I ended up at Romello's apartment and I knocked on his door waiting for him to answer.

I heard music and I knew he had people over. I didnt give a fuck though. His ass was gonna get beat in front of them.

He opened the door and when he seen me his face dropped.

"Yo tay i'm sorry man. I aint mean to put that much shit in your drink last night" he said. Bullshit.

"Its cool bruh" I lied and he smiled.

"Good I been trynna call you up to come over."

"Who you got over here?"

"Just a girl I been kicking it with and her friend. You trynna get at one?" he asked motioning to them on the couch as he let me in.

They both were ugly to be honest and I had no interest in them whatsoever. I knew who I had already was more than enough.

"Nah bro. I actually came over here to give you something" I said as I cracked my knuckles feeling my anger boiling up.

This nigga really thought we was cool?

He cocked his head sideways confused,"What is i-"

Before he could finish his sentence my fist connected with his face.

He tried to block but I just continuously kept throwing punches. He fell on the ground and thats where I really started fucking him up. I was about to rearrange this niggas face.

"Tall as fuck and swear you a bad muhhfucka but cant throw hands. Nigga get the fuck up and fight me!" I yelled kicking him in the side.

"Fuck you bruh!" he yelled spitting blood out of his mouth and getting up charging me.

One of the girls started screaming as we knocked me into the wall. I couldnt lie he got a couple hits in but that shit was enough to fuel me into fucking him up even worse.

I kneed him in the stomach and he bent over pain before the other girl ran over trying to stop me from punching him again.

"FUCK YOU AND THAT DUMB ASS BITCH!" he spat angrily.

I gave no fucks and pushed her out the way before clocking him in the jaw knocking him over. "I warned you bout that B-word bruh."

"Fuck you bruh. Ion give a fuck anymore. You always get all this good shit and I dont ever get shit. Fuck you. Fuck yo mama. Fuck yo punk ass dad. Fuck yo girl. Fuck them niggas you hang with. Fuck everything" he yelled from the ground and it was everything in me not to stomp him the fuck out with the timbs I was wearing on my feet. The two girls there looked scared as hell and I'd hate to scar them and catch a murder charge manslaughtering this nigga in front of them.

I sucked my teeth,"You ain't even worth it. Jealous ass bitch."

That was all I said before walking out.

The nerve of that nigga.

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