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A/N: :(


Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

I was in the club with Romello just chilling. We had been here like two hours and I was ready to go the fuck home. This shit really wasnt my scene. I was just here to get fucked up.

I was on my fourth glass of ciroc but I wasn't feeling it like I should. I needed something stonger.

"Stop fuckin' simpin' nigga!" Ro said as he approached me with two glasses in his hand. I was assuming one was for me.

I reached for the one in his right hand and he drew it back and took a sip before handing me the other.

"Here nigga I knew you wasnt satisfied babysitting that ciroc" he laughed and I sucked my teeth before downing what he had gave me.

I spent another few minutes just chilling before my eyes started getting really heavy. I didnt feel sleepy so I wasnt sure what the fuck was going on.

Everything felt like it was moving in slow-mo and I started seeing double. T

he pounding of my heart beat seemed like it was getting louder and louder.

"You good bruh?" Romello laughed before pulling me up and I knew he was dragging me out the club because the music was was drowning out more and more by the second.

"I'm taking you home. You fucked up bruh" I heard him laugh.

"Nigga what the fuck was in that drink?" I asked but it came out slurred.

"Just call em happy pills" he smiled.

He put me in the car and at this point I was fucking furious because I knew my drink was laced. This nigga drugged me?

And there wasnt shit I could do about it cause I could barely move.

I just felt high as shit for the whole ride to my house.

He took me to my house, not my parents house I could tell by the neighborhood.  My high was wearing off a bit and I took out my keys and went in the house as he drove off.

"Babyyyy" I heard before I could even turn the lights on.

I tried to find the switch but I was so discumbobulated. I could barely remember which wall it was on.

The light came on for me and I seen Miranda. Well two Miranda's cause my vision was still fucked.

"What you doing in my house man?" I thought I said but I wasnt sure if the whole sentence even came out.

She was dressed in lingerie and I didnt know if it was the drugs or what but she looked good.

Not as good as Kareem of course but good enough.

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