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I've said it before that I wasn't a party person but as much as I wanted to stay home, I couldn't allow myself to. I had told Lee about the party so we were now getting ready.

I showered and got dressed. My outfit consisted of a white crop top, some white jeans, and a jacket that I had never gotten the chance to wear before with strawberries all over. I straightened my hair and did my makeup before throwing on a small gold necklace and a few rings.

I slipped on my shoes which were a pair of black fenty creepers and went to wait on Lee in the living room.

To my surprise she was already prepared to go. She was dressed in a short blue patterned romper with a pair of strappy sandals and her hair in a top knot bun.

She looked up and saw me. "Yaaaaassss girl! I love it. The strawberries give it personality", she exclaimed.

"Thanks! You look cute too", I told her.

She thanked me as we walked out to the car. "So who's party is this again?", she asked me.

"Julian. The guy that's tutoring me", I told her.

"Ooohhhh, is he cute?", she asked. At that point I realized I never actually told her what happened at Starbucks.

"Actually, I found out that he's my wannabe future husband", I told her.


"Sorry. He already made me nervous enough. By the time I got home I was discombobulated."

She laughed. "But wait, I swear he gave you hell about his car and you swore him off for good", she said confused.

I nodded,"He apologized yesterday. Gave me like a huge talk about how thats not how he really is. Which from the time I spent tutoring with him he doesn't seem like he acts like that often."

"Oooohhh since he's forgiven and all you have to snatch him up. He's such a delicious piece of chocolate", she said as we turned into a neighborhood with the hugest houses I've ever seen in my life.

"Uhhh are you sure you typed in the right address?", I asked her.

"Yes ma'am. According to Maps it should be one of the houses in that gated area", she said pointing to a large black gate that I could see the tops of houses from. It was a security gate and there was someone there letting cars in.

I pulled behind three other cars and waited to be next. We finally reached the gatehouse and there was a security guard in it.

"ID ?", she asked and I nodded before pulling it out of my wallet and handing it to her. "Who are you here to see ?", she asked.

"Julian Tailor", I responded as she nodded. "May I have the name of your plus one ?"

"Aaliyah Martin", I told her.

She checked her clipboard for what i'm guessing was my name before writing down Lee's next to it.

"Alright darling your going to keep going straight and make a right at the second stop sign and its the first house on your left"

"Thank you so much", I said as she handed my ID and I drove off. I followed her directions and ended up at the most gorgeous house I ever seen. House was probably an understatement. It was a mansion.

I turned to Lee in shock and her expression matched mine. "Girl you better wife him before I do. He got moneeeeeyyyyy!",she screamed.

I laughed. "I wouldn't want him for his moneeeeeeyyy!", I told her as we got out the car. I knew this was the right house due to the loud music I heard blaring and the amount of people our age also walking into the house.

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