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"You go first", I told him.

"Aight, uuuuummm favorite movie ?", he asked.

"Secret Life of Bees. Whats your middle name ?"

"Its horrible."

"I didnt ask you how horrible it was", I told him with a laugh.

He sighed,"Its Lacroix."

"Julian Lacroix Tailor? Thats like an old rich man name", I giggled.

"Yeah Yeah, Whats yours?"

"Typical girl middle name, Marie", I told him with a shrug.

He laughed," More serious questions now. Whats your longest relationship?"

"It was one year and a huge mistake", I confessed.

"Why ?", he questioned.

"He completely tore down my self confidence", I told him truthfully. My ex was part of the reason I was so low on self esteem at this point. He was super verbally abusive.

"Well I'm here to help you build it up mama", he said as a grin graced his lips. I laughed and looked down. "Starting with this looking down every time you smile or blush shit. Keep your head up. Word to Pac", He said nudging me softly as he ate another one of his tacos.

"My turn. When you apologized for snapping at me about your car you said alot of crazy things have happened lately that made you paranoid. What happened?", I asked curiously while finishing up my food.

"First of all let me say, you should be a journalist with the way you just posed that question. Secondly, I don't know if you noticed from my party or whatever but my parents have a hell of alot of money and trifling females that find out try to do anything to get to me for it."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion,"Like hit your car?"

"Not exactly but over the past year they've done things like steal my book in class so they could pretend they found it when they give it back to me, try to woo my parents by acting like we're in a serious relationship, bump into me in the hallways on purpose, wait by my car and try to jump in when I unlock it"

I looked at him crazy,"Are they insane?"

He laughed," Gotta be. But recently this one girl I was talking to on campus, which happens to also be the one that stole my book, found out where I lived and broke into my house."

"What the hell ? I'm so sorry you had to deal with this type of stuff. That's crazy." Now I understood why he was angry when I hit his car. Not saying its an excuse for how he snapped at me but i'd be suspicious too after what I was told.

"Yeah, its crazy. Anyways, I know your major but what made you choose it ?", he asked me.

"My parents really", I answered truthfully.

"They controlling ?"

"Very. I honestly didnt start making my own decisions until college."

"I see you do that makeup stuff all the time. I thought thats what you were into."

I laughed,"Yeah but my parents dont think it would get me anywhere and wont pay for my schooling unless I do something in the medical field like them."

"What do they do?"

"My mom's a nurse and my dad is a psychiatrist."

He nodded,"Thats pretty dope."

"What do yours do?"

"They're both investors really but other than that my dad owns a luxury car business and my mom does real estate." I nodded. So that explained why their house and cars were nice as hell.

"Whats your major ?", I asked him finishing up my food.


"Whoa, thats really cool. Never met anyone that wanted to be an architect."

He laughed,"Yeah I find it cool and I always wanted to do it since I was a kid."

"Have you always been good at math?", I asked curiously. He was super skilled to the point where he could figure out a problem just looking at it.

"Yeah, my parents tried to deem me a genius for it but I suck at other shit so that didn't work out", he laughed.

"Last question", he said.


"Would you go on another date with me ?", he asked.

I smiled before answering. "Of course." I had alot of fun with him today and I can already tell we're going to get along really well. He mirrored my expression satisfied with my answer.

"Wanna watch a movie ?", I asked setting up Netflix.

"Yeah you choose."

I scrolled through before choosing one. "Even though its not an A-list movie or anything. I really like Brotherly Love so thats what I went with."

"Yooooo this movie was turnt. Shit threw me at the end though", he said with a chuckle. I smiled as the movie started.


The movie was finally over and I was literally rolling on the floor laughing at the comments Julian was making about all the guys in the movie's line ups.

"Fam none of them niggas had sideburns yo. Who fucked them up like that?", he said seriously as I bent over clutching my stomach bursting with laughter.

"Leave them alone with their no sideburnedness. My bae Quincy still cute."

"So you like niggas with no sideburns now? Well shit where the clippers so I can cut mine?", he blurted out with laughter following.

I joined in. He was hilarious.

"Its just in the movie sir. My man got sideburns in real life okay ?", I responded snapping my fingers and flipping my hair.

He stared at me and looked me up and down before laughing," Yo man huh?"

"Yes my man."

"You gotta get rid of yo man boo."

"And why is that?", I asked getting up to grab the remote. He got up too and walked over to me.

"Well number one, my nigga aint got no sideburns. And two, somebody else about to take his place", he stated as he grabbed my chin making me look up at him and licked over his lips.

I just stared into his eyes not knowing what to say. "Who might that be?", I finally managed to get out.

He smiled before bringing his lips to my ear and kissing it softly. "Me."

I almost melted right then and there. He pulled back and embraced me in a hug. "I'm about to go mama. See you later ?", he said as I just stood there dumbfounded and slowly nodded like an idiot.

I walked him to the door and let him out before closing it. I slid down to the ground and just sat there.

What the hell was he doing to me ?

A/N: Please comment and vote :))) I know its short :(

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