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"Yall so fucking nasty man do that shit somewhere else!" Rocky yelled at Lee and Justin who were kissing. We all were chilling at Julian's house and everyone was pretty much coupled up except for Rocky.

We were just chilling and eating while watching tv but Lee and Justin got a little carried away and ended up in a makeout session.

"Awww is Sylvester mad cause he aint got a girl?" Lee said taunting him.

"Sylvester?" I scrunched my face up.

"Thats his name. He hates it" Justin laughed.

I laughed as I realized something. "Your name is Sylvester like Sylvester Stallone who played Rocky. That is Gold."

"Shut up yo. And no i'm not mad I aint got a girl. Too busy giving these thots somebody to call daddy" he boasted.

"My nigga you have zero hoes. You gets no bitches" Julian said cracking up.

Rocky's face went sour. "Fuck up nigga."

"Nigga you on a roooooll. You just straight bitter" Julian laughed and Rocky got up. "Hands nigga. Now" he said to Julian.

Ju's eyes got wide in amusement and he patted my thigh signaling me to move off of his lap before getting up.

I laughed and watched as they both squared up like they were about to fight.

Ju went to swing on him but he ran. "Nah fam. You not bout to beat my ass like you did Romello. My face too pretty."

Simutaneously me and Lee's faces turned to confusion and we looked at each other.

"When the hell did you fight Romello?" I asked. I had no knowledge of this.

"Nah. The question is: When the fuck did he beat Romello's ass? Thats more accurate" Justin joked.

I looked to Julian and he shrugged. "Couple weeks ago. After we made up the first time."

I nodded. "Aww man. I wanted to see", Lee said frowning.

Everyone laughed. My phone started to ring and I reached over grabbing from the coffee table to see who it was.

My dad? "Hello", I said confused. I hadnt talked to either of my parents since the day Julian made me call them.

"Hey babygirl."

"Hi daddy" I replied and Julian squinted his eyes.

"Oh shit Tay. Ya girl calling other niggas daddy" Rocky joked quietly and I stood up, walked over and pinched his nipple as my dad started to speak. I heard him mumble and ouch before tuning in to what my dad was saying.

"We want you guys to be there" I heard my father say.

"Be where? I'm sorry I didnt get the first part."

"Your mother and I are hosting a dinner party and it would mean alot to us if you and your friend attended."

I frowned. "Just a while ago you were accusing him of tainting me and accusing me of being an ungrateful brat and now you all of a sudden want us to attend this oh so special dinner party?"

"Watch your mouth Kareem. We've decided to give the boy a chance and reconnect with our daughter. If you come and talk to us we may even consider supporting you again" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see if I can make it. When is it?" I questioned praying that I had something scheduled.

"Its Sunday at 6pm. See you then. I have to go Kareem. I love you" he said before hanging up and I slapped my forehead.

I walked back into the living room where everyone else was.

"What did your dad want?" Lee said as I took my seat on Ju's lap.

"He wants you" I said pointing at Julian,"And I to come to some dinner he and my mom are throwing."

"Lets do it", Julian said looking up from his phone.

"I thought they were acting crazy. Why are they so nice all of a sudden?" Lee questioned and I shrugged.

"He said they'll hear me out finally and consider helping me financially again if I come."

"Them niggas bribing you?" Rocky frowned.

"I honestly could care less about the money part. I just really want them to understand why they're being unfair."

"So we'll go and see what happens. If its cool, we stay. If its not, we dip" Julian said simply.

"For some reason I feel like its not going to be that easy", Julian chuckled and Lee agreed.

"There has to be a catch" she said.

"Guess we'll find out what it is when we get there" I shrugged.


/N: this a lil aihh boring aihh chapter but yeeeee the next chapter gonna be long. And a bad way:) comment vote and alladat thnx ❤

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