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Julian Lacroix Tailor Jr.

Kareem's birthday was in two weeks and I figured it was about time I started getting shit together for the party I was throwing her.

I had been talking to Aaliyah about her helping me plan the party. I was about to go meet up with her at IHOP so we could discuss things.

I pulled up and spotted her outside waiting. "Why didn't you go inside ?", I laughed.

She sucked her teeth,"The dumb girl in there wouldn't leave me alone about who I was waiting on so I figured I'd let her use the table for someone else since she was so pressed."

I died laughing. She was really pissed. She stood up and we made our way inside.

I got a text from Kareem and decided to respond as we were seated.

Munchkin: I am drained 🙄 My manager is such a bitch.

Me: Pop her in the mouth

Munchkin: Not trying to get fired Ju. Barely been here a month.

"Hi, my name is Terry i'll be your waiter. Can I start you off with some drinks ?", the waiter said.

"Ummm let me get a lemonade", I said.

"Same", Aaliyah told him as he walked away to go get what we ordered.

"So where are we holding this party?", she asked me while she scanned over the menu.

"My house of course. I was thinking we could do a pool party but she can't swim so I don't know how effective that would be."

"How about we throw a like 90s themed skate party at a rink?", she suggested.

"That would be dope", I agreed. I knew Kareem was into throwback shit so it would be a nice move.

"But how would we get her to get dressed up for the occasion without giving it away?", I questioned. Knowing her she would know something is up.

"Tell her you wanna match or something and buy her an outfit thats the theme of the party maybe like a day or two in advance."

"You smart", I said like DJ Khaled.

The waiter came back and we ordered. I just got a stack of pancakes and some eggs and Lee got a Belgian waffle with eggs and bacon.

"No bacon?", she questioned as the waiter sat our food on the table.

"I hate bacon. Shit is salty and gross", I told her. Everybody went in on me about it all the time but I really didn't care. It was nasty.

"GASP! what the hell ? never met anyone that hated bacon", she exclaimed. "Damn alien."

I laughed. "Y'all can keep your salty ass bacon. I'm good", I told her.

"What are you getting Kay ?", she asked. It was good that she asked cause I wanted to get a charm bracelet for her cause she had been rambling on all the time about how nice they are and how she really wanted one.

"I'm buying her a camera and I want to get her a charm bracelet too but I want it to be special to her so I want you to pick out like two charms to go on it since you're her best friend."

"Omg! She'd love that. She's been thirsting after one of those since the day I met her I swear."

"Same here", I laughed.

"I know this may sound really bad but i'm happy she hit your car", she said.

"I don't. That shit led to me making a horrible first impression", I said laughing. That was not a good way to meet a girl you were trynna talk to.

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